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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 328

Alvin looked at her back and felt somewhat surprised. This figure in front of him was very familiar. He turned his head and caught sight of the flickers in Hansen's deep eyes, the dimming eyes as dark as paint.

She said as if deep in thought, "Mr. Richards, the conditions here are too harsh. It's likely that the children buried in the ruins have little hope of surviving. Now that there's freezing rain outside and the children's bodies are in very bad shape, it's difficult for them to pull through."

There was a loud cry coming from the tent.

Amy and the more sensible child began to cry. Hansen fastened his gaze at the woman. Her head was even lowered now, and her face was still obstructed from view. However, even without thinking, he could tell that she was heartbroken.

Hansen's heart sank.

Taking out his mobile phone, he called the director of the Public Security Department in S City directly. The director attached great importance to this. He responded immediately that he had already sent firefighters to come here overnight.

There was only one reporter here. After he'd learned about this school through the Internet, he arrived here with great difficulty. In order to increase public awareness about what had happened here, he was burning the candle at both ends.

Finally, at noon, the firefighters arrived and started a more substantial search-and-rescue operation.

They almost combed the entire school. In addition to rescuing eight more children, the remaining six had unfortunately died, and the children who had been rescued were treated by the first-aid team before they were quickly sent to the nearby hospital by the medical staff. When everything was almost done, night had fallen on the area once again.

In the evening, Hansen was so famished that his stomach looked as if it had collapsed in on itself.

They had already polished off all the supplies that they had brought with them.

Some villagers began to collect materials to make a fire. The members of the Grand Grand Eagles were all exhausted and sleepy, and as they lay in the tent, they slowly dozed off.

When Hansen summoned the village chief to enquire about the situation, he felt that the loose ends of the situation had been tied. At this time, the reporters who were watching him were about to interview him, but Hansen was unwilling to leave his name. He immediately made up an excuse to leave.

He was solely here for that figure.

At this time, he was tenaciously trying to confirm whether the figure was Jenna or not.

No matter what, this time, he must find out who the woman was. Judging from everything that had happened in the last two days, it seemed to be very likely that it was her.

He turned around to look for Jenna outside, but he couldn't find her. Then, he entered the tent, but she was still not sighted.

In an instant, he had a bad feeling in his heart. This feeling was too familiar. Just like what had happened over a year ago, he went looking for her, only for her to have disappeared inexplicably. This feeling almost sent his heart into tremors.

"Alvin, quickly search the tents in the vicinity. I want to find that female teacher." With panic setting in, Hansen instructed Alvin.

At this moment, he thought of a more serious problem. If the woman was really Jenna, had the baby in her belly been born safely? If it was born safely, it should be a year old now!

Where was the baby now? Was it safe?

Thinking about this, he felt that he had forgotten such an important matter for the past few days. He felt extremely regretful in his heart and became even more anxious.

As he searched every tent, he asked the members of the Grand Eagles to help in the search. However, once again, he got the same result as he did a year ago. The woman had disappeared, as if she had never existed before.

Hansen gaped in astonishment!

Was the woman he had seen in the past two days just an illusion? Had it never existed? Or was it just a ghost? Was it a fantasy in his mind? Otherwise, how could it have disappeared like this without a trace!

It was too mysterious!

"Connor, how many female teachers are there in this school?" He hurriedly called over the village chief, Connor Goggins, and asked in detail.

Connor knew that he was looking for someone, but he didn't know who was missing. He hurriedly ran over and heard him ask. After thinking for a moment, he sighed and said, "To be honest, there are so many children in this school. Yet only one woman is in charge. There were two other teachers, a man, and a woman, but they would go home after class. So, strictly speaking, there is only one teacher who is responsible for teaching these kids, Miss Amy."

When Hansen heard this, he was even more surprised. He couldn't help but to ask, "Then who was the woman who helped here these past two days?"

"What woman?" Connor was puzzled when he heard Hansen's question.

This made Hansen's heart palpitate even more.

"It's that woman. She had been saving the children all this while. She was the one who was busy cleaning the children's wounds in the tent." Hansen was practically shouting.

"Ah, that one. I remember now. I heard Amy say that a volunteer teacher has come to the school recently. She didn't ask for any salary and was willing to come to teach the children. However, because she's not in the teachers list and I don't usually come here, I had already forgotten about this matter." Connor remembered and patted his thigh with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"What's her name? Is she called Jenna Murphy? How long has she been here?" Hansen asked as if he had obtained precious information.


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