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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 329

After thinking for a while, Alvin started to comfort him. "Mr. Richards, it's very likely that the woman isn't Young Madam at all. Though her back may resemble her a little, we can't get any clue from her voice."

When she had said those words that day, Alvin was there. At that time, her voice was ragged, probably due to all the screaming she'd exerted during the earthquake. It was true that he could not recognize her voice, but for Hansen, his intuition firmly believed it was her.

Lacking any concrete evidence, time was a luxury he couldn't squander.

Hence, he made a decision.

He summoned Connor and Amy, and then left them with his contact number, reminding them to call him as soon as they received any news of that woman.

His mobile phone kept ringing these past two days. It was supposed to be a temporary ordeal, coming here. There was a pile of paperwork waiting in the Richards Group, for him to attend to. At that moment, he made a phone call, and a helicopter arrived. In only a

few hours, he had already set foot in A city.

The news that the president of the Richards family had shown up at the site of the earthquake and helped the school in the mountainous area was soon broadcast on TV. This prompted a great response and was praised by society.

On the other hand, in the local mountain area, the story of a young and handsome businessman who flew in with a helicopter to find a rural teacher called 'Jenna' was circulated far and wide, and it took on a life of its own.

His perseverance in looking for Jenna and his uninhibited efforts to rescue the students buried under the rubble had moved everyone in the village to the point of tears. Everyone began to search for her in the local area, but it was akin to looking for a needle in a haystack. They could no longer find the teacher anymore.

She seemed to have never existed, and there was no news about her. For a time, the local people wondered if the woman was an angel who had graced the school, helping them. After that, the school indeed flourished, and there were more and more students enrolling in the school. The school quickly became the most popular primary school in the province.

Out of nowhere, spring had arrived once again!

In the meeting room of the Richards Group, Hansen was hosting a meeting with all the senior leaders of the company present. It was a meeting regarding resource conservation.

As the automobile sales prospects were promising, the current shortage of accessories in the market had become another problem to contend with.

At the executive meeting, everyone was generous with their thoughts and opinions.

Hansen sat in the CEO's seat. His well-ironed suit made him look noble and aristocratic. His entire body exuded a calm, noble air, and an aloof aura.

Compared to the past, he seemed calmer and more mature, and also more charming!


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