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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 756

"Jerry, I've made your favorite cola chicken wings. Come over and eat." Jaqueline smiled warmly as she said to Jerry. She wasn't offended by Jerry's words.

"I don't like to eat your food. I only like to eat the food cooked by my mother." Jerry's face creased as he angrily said, "You're not my mother, so I'm not going to eat your food."

Jaqueline's face looked pained.

She understood that Jerry was very resistant to her.

He was still a kid. She firmly believed that one day, he was going to accept her. She just needed to be patient and sincere to him. Then, he would be moved.

"Come, let's have dinner. We've been busy all day. Jerry is leaving for England tomorrow. We're going to have a nice dinner today." Marissa quickly tried to ease the awkward situation with a smile.

Hansen did not say much and did not even look at Jaqueline. He carried Jerry over to the dining room and sat down.

Trevor did not come over to Capital City. However, Marissa decided to bring Jerry over to Capital City to get him to spend time with his father before he left for England. She would take care of Jerry while Hansen was at work.

What made Jerry unhappy was that ever since they arrived at Capital City, Marissa had been constantly inviting Jaqueline, who had malicious intentions to steal his father away, over to their house.

"Jerry, I'm going to accompany you to 'drink' today. We're going to have a father and son bonding session. We're not going to stop until one of us gets drunk, how about that?" In order to dispel Jerry's worries, Hansen took the initiative to persuade him to 'drink' when he saw his son's face was full of displeasure.

When Jerry heard that they were going to drink, he immediately became excited. The unhappiness in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he immediately cried out happily, "Okay, Dad, I'll toast you."

Just as Hansen was about to put him down on the floor, he wrapped his hand around Hansen's neck and whispered in his ear, "Daddy, remember what I said. I don't want our relationship to be severed."

"This boy!"

"This was clearly a threat!"

However, Hansen loved it when Jerry acted like this. At the very least, he knew that his son loved and wanted to protect Jenna. He was very proud of him! He was filial!

"I know, don't worry," Hansen replied quietly.

"What are you two whispering to each other? Are we not allowed to know?" Marissa asked with a smile when she saw the father and son whispering to each other.

Jerry was actually treating Marissa as an outsider. She felt a little helpless.

Jerry was full of confidence this time after Hansen reassured him.

"This is between me and Daddy. You don't have to worry about it." Jerry waved a dismissive hand as he sat down beside Hansen. He reached out and picked up a bottle of soft drink and forcefully unscrewed the cap.

"Come on, Daddy. Let's toast to our secret." Jerry then placed one bottle in front of his father. Hansen immediately picked up the bottle with a smile and clinked it with Jerry. "Cheers!"


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