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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 757

"Hansen, are you being ignorant or do you not understand? Even if you manage Richards Group well and it becomes a powerhouse, so what? All your efforts will still go down the drain in a few years because there is no one to take over the company. What we need now is more descendants. The world will only continue if there are people to carry on living. It's impossible to rely on your strength alone. We must think about the future. All of the rich and powerful families have plenty of successors in the family. Only then will they be able to inherit the family's business. Don't you understand this?" Marissa was choked with sobs and wiped her tears with a tissue.

Her son was not interested in other women anymore. In fact, he was avoiding them.

He only cared about work. His character was getting stranger everyday. If it went on like this, then what was the point of having so much money when he did not have anyone to inherit it? Every man would need a successor in order to continue the family business. Hansen was no exception.

Therefore, Marissa began to worry about Hansen's love life after Jenna died. She really hoped that her son would be able to remarry and give birth to a few children in order to preserve the family line. Jaqueline was the best candidate.

It was just that her son had turned a deaf ear to her advice. She was worried that Jaqueline would give up on him after failing to get his attention.

Since Hansen was leaving A City the next day, she had to make full use of the time she had to talk some sense into him.

Hansen understood Marissa's intentions. He knew that she did it for the good of the Richards family, but he just refused to listen to her advice.

"Mom, don't we already have Jerry? All he has to do is to get married early. If you want, then you can ask him to have more kids. I'm not going to change my mind, but I can guarantee that I'll give Jerry peace and prosperity. I'll ensure that he'll live a happy life. He will not be like Jenna and me," Hansen said firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Hansen, how long will I have to wait until Jerry gets married? Who knows what will happen in the future? Besides, Jerry is your only child. It's going to take a lot of effort to manage such a huge business. I should have given you a sibling and perhaps, the thing with Zoella would not have happened. After all, there is safety in numbers, isn't it right? I'm just offering you my advice. I hope you can think about it. I really hope that you will consider remarrying. I am in the position to offer you this advice, as other people won't. Why don't you think it through?" At that point, Marissa was very upset. She knew that Hansen had made up his mind. It was easy to say, but she was not reconciled. She still tried hard to persuade him.

"Mom, I know, you don't have to keep reminding me. You ought to go to bed now lest you have a headache tomorrow," Hansen answered superficially. He could not bear to see his mother so upset.

However, Marissa continued, "Hansen, Jaqueline is a good woman. First of all, she's Jenna's cousin. Secondly, Grandpa Johan also likes her and has raised her well since she was a child. Grandpa Johan has your best interests in mind. He is afraid that you will suffer after Jenna's death, and that's why he is willing to give his great-granddaughter's hand in marriage to you as a compensation. Don't be ungrateful."

When Hansen heard this, his expression changed and immediately stood up. His voice was as cold as ice. "Mom, isn't that very selfish of you? Let me tell you something, a family can only go far if they have profound virtue. It may not necessarily be a good thing if they only rely on descendants, not to mention that I still cannot get over Jenna. I'm also not sure whether she's really dead or not. This is unfair to Jaqueline. I don't love her at all. Isn't it a little selfish of you to see her as a baby factory just for the sake of having descendants for the Richards family? This is not the kind of family I want to build. My heart will only have Jenna and Jenna alone."

"But, Hansen, you're just being stubborn. You're unwilling to let yourself go. If you don't like Jacquline, then fine! Why don't you find someone whom you like? I will not object to whichever woman you decide to bring home. I just don't want you to live a lonely life. Is it wrong of me to think that way?" Marissa's voice trembled as tears welled up in her eyes. She refused to give up.

However, by the time she was done, Hansen was already making his way out of the study. When he reached the door, he turned around and said in a cold voice, "Mom, can you please stop interfering with my love life? You should enjoy your remaining years. Don't bring trouble to yourself. Remember the thing with Aria? If you hadn't interfered, then would she have been able to marry into the Richards family? Would the subsequent events have happened? People should always reflect on their own pasts, so that they wouldn't make the same mistake."

After saying this, Hansen strode out of the study and left the villa.

Marissa sat there in a daze. She clenched her fist as she cried out loud.

"Jenna, my son's life has been ruined by you. It's good that you are dead, you don't have to worry about this. But as a mother, I can only watch helplessly as he continues living a painful life. Tell me, what should I do?" she cried in grief.

Hansen sat by the moat and smoked two packs of cigarettes before returning. That night, he spent the night with Jerry.

After Jenna left, Jerry was very dependent on him. He often snuggled up to him until he fell asleep. Even when he was asleep, he would grab onto his clothes and not let him go.

Hansen was heartbroken for him and often hugged him to sleep.

That night, the father and son had a good night's sleep.

Early in the morning the next day, Hansen helped Jerry put on his clothes and shoes. When they left the villa, he was still sleeping soundly in his arms.

Hansen opened the Hummer door with a slight smile on his face. He laid Jerry on the soft bed in the back seat and covered him with a quilt. He then called on Alvin and the trio left for the airport.

When they arrived in England, they immediately occupied themselves with Jerry's school enrolment process. After thinking for a moment, Hansen then took Alvin to the airport.


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