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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 1506

Freya yelled. Coupled with the tears in her eyes, Patrick's heart suddenly tightened.

"Freya, since you still care about me, why didn’t you get back together with me when I went to you back then? If we got back together, we wouldn’t have ended up like this."

Patrick's heart ached. How could he not have any regrets about their relationship?

Yes, he was dating Linda, but it was not the same as when he was dating Freya.

He only agreed to date Linda because she had done too much for him, and because he knew that it was impossible for Freya and him to be together anymore.

"Because I really couldn't stand how you and Linda were always together. You'd spend more time with her than with me. I felt like you didn't love me."

Freya lowered her head and told the truth. "If she were your real sister, then I’d have nothing to say, but she isn't. I can only support two people in a relationship, including myself. Later, I moved to Canberra because I wanted to slowly forget about you and start afresh, but ... I met Thomas Neeson.”

Patrick shook.

Thomas’ name was still fresh in his memory. Four years ago, news of Freya being assaulted by Thomas became sensational. There were even photos of her being sent to the hospital. Then, Thomas stepped forward and said that she had seduced him..."

"At that time, Thomas pursued me but I couldn’t accept a scumbag like him. After multiple rejections, h e got angry and brought people over to break into my home. He beat me up and assaulted me..."

"Freya..." Patrick clenched his fist.

Freya continued, "Fortunately, someone saved me in time so he didn’t succeed, but I was severely injured and sent to the hospital. Later, I reported the case to the police but Thomas was rich and powerful, so he slandered me instead. At that time, I had no power or influence. I was like a rat hated by everyone. I was clearly the victim, but I was scolded everywhere I went. In the end, I had to go abroad to escape.

"In fact, I didn't have a good time when I first went abroad. I often thought of you. Back then, I wondered i f you would send me a message or give me a call, but... there was nothing. At that time, I had also imagined that if you were to come looking for me when I was at my most helpless, I’d definitely get back together with you. Because I felt that even if others didn't believe me because they didn't know me, you'd definitely believe w H me.


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