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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 1581

Rebecca grabbed the opportunity and said, "Mom, did you get into a fight with Uncle Titus recently? He has been sleeping in the study. I don't think it’s good for a married couple to sleep on separate beds for too long. I t makes it easier for feelings to change. Many books that I've read said the same thing. You should take note of this."

"Enough, you don’t have to worry about Titus and me." Sheryl asked half-heartedly, "You went to Hill Corporation this morning. How was it?"

"I wanted to go to Hill Corporation's laboratory and factory to have a look, but Shaun had Mona's

members stop me. They didn't allow me to enter. It's s o infuriating." Rebecca was upset. "I didn’t dare go against them by force. My face already hurts a lot from Catherine slapping me yesterday." 1

Sheryl looked at Rebecca's face, which was covered in a thick layer of foundation, and was immediately overwhelmed by anger. Her daughter had been bullied by people time and time again. "Take more people with you. If you meet Catherine, return her the slap."

"Mom, thank you. No one has ever treated me as well a s you do." Rebecca acted as if she was touched. "But I heard people saying that Catherine didn't go to the

company this afternoon. Shaun looked fearless as well. Maybe he has a trick up his sleeve.”

"I’m here. What are you worried about? Just do what you want."

Sheryl patted the back of Rebecca's hand to console her.

"Thank you, Mom." After Rebecca left, Sheryl’s pretty face darkened. 1

Catherine did not go to the company, Titus just so happened to have gone out, and Shaun had a bold look on him.

Had Titus gone out to meet Catherine?

When that suspicion arose, Sheryl could not control it anymore.

She immediately dialed the number of her bodyguard. "Find out where Titus went."

At a cafe in a five-star hotel.


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