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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 1772

"It was because I saved Matthew and told Sheryl the truth. Sheryl canceled the transfer of Hill Corporation's shares in time and halted Golden Corporation’s overseas development. Gavin was confident only because he had invested in Golden Corporation and got endless funds from Wesley. After Wesley lost Golden Corporation and Hill Corporation, h e was left with nothing. As such, Gavin no longer had a s many funds. Those people in Canberra were swayed because of money. Without money, how could they possibly side with the Mead family?"

Catherine finally understood.

She could not help but sigh at how greedy some people in this world were.

At the same time, she was taken aback by Shaun's plans.

After all, he had lost his memory, had he not? Before this, he was just like a fool. What a rapid change it was.

She stared at him with complicated feelings. "Wasn't Wesley aware that Matthew was saved and about the changes that took place in Golden Corporation’s overseas development?”

"It was all settled within a day. When we took action, w e deliberately ordered our people not to sound the alarm, so they didn't have the faintest idea what was going on. Wesley had been under the impression that he was the wealthiest man in Australia who could do anything as he pleased," Shaun said scornfully.

Catherine instantly figured it out. At the same time, she was filled with mixed feelings. "Did you have this planned from earlier on? You previously approached Hannah...”

"I wasn't the only person who planned this. Prime Minister Snow, Titus, and I planned it together."

Shaun said, "Nathan's inferiority made Gavin lower his guard. After Sheryl kicked me out of Hill Corporation, I pretended to pursue Hannah with the intention of making Wesley and the Meads think that I was in a desperate situation. The whole of Canberra saw me as a laughing stock, which satisfied Hannah's vanity and Wesley's desire to trample on me at the same time. The more Wesley felt that I was miserable, the more conceited he became. Once a person becomes conceited, they'll easily show their cloven hoof and become careless. In fact, if it weren’t for his carelessness, I wouldn't have been able to save Matthew."

After pausing for a moment, Shaun could not resist holding Catherine's hands. "I'm sorry, Cathy. Despite knowing that Wesley was forcing you and even hurt your dad before this, I gave you the cold shoulder. I didn’t mean it. I..." "I understand.” Catherine broke free from his hold. "I was also a pawn in your plan. The more frightened I seemed, the more complacent and delighted Wesley would become. He felt as if he was a cat trying to catch a mouse. No doubt, he thought of himself as the winning party, whereas I was the mouse that got fooled."


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