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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 2394

"It's simple. Rodney lived with Sarah for over ten years. After they got married and lived together, Sarah constantly brainwashed him. Judging from her character, she could justify her wrongdoing and make herself seem like the most innocent victim. Rodney must’ve been influenced by her."

Catherine reminded Freya, “Have you forgotten about Sarah abusing animals? What a cruel act. When Rodney discovered the matter later, he, too, felt that she was cruel. But in the end, he suppressed the matter and let it fly under the radar. What does that show? It shows that his moral standards have been lowered over and over


Freya was startled.

She did not ponder over it back then.

However, now that Catherine reminded her, it hit Freya that she probably had never understood Rodney, the man who used to be her husband.

If possible, she hoped that Rodney would not be so embarrassing.

It was because he was Dani's father, which was a fact that could not be erased.

In the morning, Freya sat in her office instead of going to the laboratory.

When it was almost noon, Wendy called her. "Freya, let's have lunch together."

"Aunty Wendy, I just had breakfast with my godmother this morning." Freya could not b e bothered to exchange pleasantries with her. Hence, she asked in a forthright manner, "Are you trying to talk me into breaking up with Ryan?"

"Yes." Wendy said helplessly, "Freya, we're happy that you're in a new relationship and starting your life afresh, but the guy shouldn't be Ryan. Listen to me and break u p with him. It'll do everyone good."


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