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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 2411


Ryan’s dark eyes flashed with grimness.

Fortunately, Ryan did not let his guard down just because Rodney was the cousin h e grew up with.

Facts had proven that people changed.

To put it another way, everyone had a dark side. What it all came down to was whether they were willing to expose it.

Jessica grasped Ryan's meaning. Luckily, h e got a head start. "Ryan, I really didn't expect Rodney to betray the entire Snow family. We've never owed him either."

Jessica, everyone has a different mindset.

Sometimes, no matter how much you hate the Snow family, they're the ones who brought you into this world and nurtured you. Also, they provided you with an excellent life and a noble identity.

Therefore, you have the responsibility to return the favor to the Snow family, but Rodney might not think of it this way. He might think that some things belong to him just because he's the eldest son. Now that he has lost those things, he thinks that we are the ones who snatched them from him. To him, there’s nothing wrong with taking those things back through dishonest means."

Jessica was stunned and dejected." Perhaps you're right. Grandpa and my dad have told him to work hard since he was young. They told him that Snow

Corporation would be handed to him in the future and he would be the one supporting the family. Whenever he went outside, everyone would think of him as the successor of Snow Corporation. With that, many people would fawn over him. In fact, their approach was all wrong. Since Rodney was born in the Snow family, they should've let him know that the Snow family is a wolf's den. Everything that the Snow family has will belong to those who are competent."

Ryan scoffed in sarcasm. "How could Grandpa and the rest possibly say that? They always think that women are to be married off. Jessica, your achievements today stem from the fact that you're competent."

Jessica was at a loss for words. After a long time, she asked, "Ryan, what are your plans?" "Rodney has gotten under my skin this time." Ryan’s voice suddenly turned cold." He didn't only want to destroy Freya, but he also wanted to destroy my and my parents' reputation. He wanted my dad to be disqualified from running for re-election. Jessica, if you were in my shoes, what would you do in the face of such a savage wolf?”

Jessica understood. "Ryan, can you let me handle this matter?"


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