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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 2678

The next day.

At 8:55 a m.

In the meeting room in Jewell Corporation, over ten shareholders sat accordingly.

Chester and Hunter sat at the front because they held the most shares, occupying 40 percent of the company's shares, followed by Director Sutton, Director Sharpe, Director Carlson, and his son. The remaining shareholders only held very few shares. It was clear that there was a change in the structure.

"Have you heard about the changes in the company’s shareholders?"

"Someone wanted to buy my shares, but I didn't sell mine. However, President Lister and the rest couldn't resist the temptation. After all, the other party offered a very high price.”

"Same here. The company lost over 100 billion dollars when our share prices were fluctuating. I'm afraid too."

"Nobody knows who the new shareholder is either. Considering that he or she holds ten percent of the shares, they can probably become a director."

"That’s for sure. That person's shares are the same as Director Sutton and the others. I heard he or she is a foreigner. I'm not sure if they are easy to handle, but if President Jewell can’t handle them, there might be chaos in the company.”

"Alas. The company is chaotic as is."

A bunch of shareholders was whispering to each other.

Hunter glanced at the time and said with a frown, "Two more minutes to 9:00 a m. Is Reborn going to arrive on the dot?"

"Maybe. After all, an important figure always arrives last, don't they?" Chester, who was seated at the front, was holding a cup. His expression was glum, indifferent, and hard to decipher.

Hunter clicked his tongue and said," Reborn only has ten percent of the shares. Can he or she possibly cause a commotion in Jewell Corporation?"

Director Sutton, Director Sharpe, and other people who only held ten percent of the shares pursed their lips and remained silent.

At 9:00 a m. sharp, the sound of high heels came from outside the meeting room.


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