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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 2891

In the office filled with sunlight, Levi and President Gilbert exchanged nervous glances. As soon as Charity and Cindy met, they were already hostile toward each other.

The only thing Levi and President Gilbert feared was that Charity would get mad.

However, Charity did not. All she did was laugh calmly. “No. I think I look better this way. Having more fat makes me look like I have enough collagen. On the contrary, I almost couldn’t recognize you. Honestly, it’s better not to undergo plastic surgery. Look at yourself. Even though your nose was slightly flat back then, it was natural. You might look good now, but your face is stiff.”

Cindy’s delicate face darkened. “Really? Do you think it’s stiff because something is wrong with your eyes? President Quimby, what do you think of my face?”

Levi’s scalp tingled.

If it were back then, he would definitely not respect Cindy. However, at that moment…

He knew that if he said something wrong, it would mess up his plan for both companies to work together.

“Well, both of you are great beauties. Please don’t make things difficult for me.” Levi begged, “I must admit that both of you are the most stunning women I’ve ever met.”

Charity rolled her eyes at him.

Cindy covered her lips and smiled shyly. “Well, women must prove themselves. Look. When I greeted President Quimby in the past, he would ignore me. Now, he calls me beauty.”

“The way you prove yourself is quite unique,” Charity mocked Cindy.

“Eliza, I know what you think of me. No matter what means I’ve used, I’ve managed to come this far and make so much money solely based on my own capability.”

Cindy fiddled with her newly-done fingernails with an arrogant look on her face. “I don’t have a background like Catherine, nor am I lucky like Freya, whose boyfriend is the son of the prime minister. I’m also unlike you who’s very fortunate. Look, we were all actors back then, but you were the one who became the boss of your own company first. Wherever you go, you’re respected. From your achievements, I learned that I must first be a boss so that people in the entertainment industry will respect me.”


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