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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 4

Catherine took a taxi directly to the Jones family’s house. At that time, Mr. Jones had already gone to work.

She rushed upstairs to take her birth certificate. Just a s she walked to the living room, she saw Rebecca coming out of the study with a large pile of documents.-

Rebecca looked pure with a black bob and a pristine face.

"You're finally back, Sis. I was still worried about what happened yesterday.” A guilty look spread across Rebecca's face. "It's just that Ethan is really not into you. You can’t force someone to love you."

Catherine shot her a cold gaze. "Enough is enough. You can stop acting since there's no one else here. I underestimated you before this."

"Don't treat me this way." Rebecca bit her lip, her tears streaming down her face. "I'll just yield to your demands in the future, okay? I won't get involved in matters related to the company. I'll pass you these documents."

As she was speaking, she shoved the documents into Catherine’s hands.

Catherine found it strange and subconsciously extended her hands to push the documents away. As a result, all the documents dropped to the floor.

"What are you guys doing?"

Suddenly, Sally Lennon walked down the stairs and caught sight of Rebecca’s teary face as well as the scattered documents.

"Aren't these the company’s documents that your dad asked you to go through?"

"Don’t be mad at her, Mom. It’s my fault." With a pale face, Rebecca hurriedly explained, "Cathy asked me to stop getting involved in the company's matters and hand these documents to her. I was planning on giving her the documents, but she's probably unhappy about the issue with Ethan, so-’’

"You're bullsh*tting~"

"Shut up!" Sally glared at Catherine. "Who gave you the right to have a hand in the company’s matters? It's your dad and me who asked Rebecca to go through the documents. Rebecca will officially become the manager of the company next week. You’d better behave yourself."

Catherine was dumbfounded. "Speaking of education and experience, I’m more qualified than her. Despite joining the company one year earlier than her, I’m not even a manager yet. What gives her the right to jump t o a managerial position just like that?"

"Mom, I'd better not become a manager. I don't want to ruin my relationship with Cathy," Rebecca

immediately said while sobbing.

Sally's heart ached very badly. "Look how much Rebecca cares about your sisterhood. What about you?

You're narrow-minded and calculating. You're not even qualified to be a manager. No wonder Ethan would choose Rebecca instead." i

Her mother's cruel words felt as if she was getting whipped.

Both Rebecca and Catherine were her daughters.

However, Sally was so biased toward Rebecca that she believed everything she said.

Catherine had been by her mother's side since young. Did Sally not know her character? i

No one had comforted Catherine since yesterday.

Everything that happened was treated as a matter of course.

She was only human.

As anger rushed through her body in a way that had never happened before, Catherine took two steps backward. "Fine. Since I’m so terrible, I'll leave, okay?"

She went to her room right after she finished speaking. She got a suitcase and subsequently stuffed her clothes into it.

Rebecca's voice came from the door. "Mom, Cathy's mad. We should talk her out of leaving.”

"Leave her alone. That's just how she behaves. She has been pampered too much. She'll come back two days later. Let's go and buy you some clothes since you're going to get engaged soon."

Soon, the voices became faint.

With large teardrops falling on the back of her hand, Catherine carried her suitcase down the stairs. After that, she drove her car and left.


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