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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 623

A pin-drop silence fell upon the meeting room. From Shaun's tone, it sounded like he was giving Catherine special treatment. Was it because she was his ex-wife?

Besides, the way she spoke to him made it seem like there was still something between them.

Within a few minutes, the shareholders became flustered and regretted having stood up for Sarah.

Oh no, it would be horrible if they were brought over to Shaun for a 'little chat'. 1

Director Irvine coughed dryly. "Um... We'll respect President Hill's decision.”

"That’s right, we'll go along with anything that President Hill says," the rest of them echoed and nodded immediately.

Sarah turned pale instantly. She had been waiting in front of the door to see Catherine get humiliated, but now it seemed she was the one feeling embarrassed instead.

"Why are you still here?" Catherine suddenly turned around and waved her phone at the woman. "Didn't you hear what Shaun said? Hurry up to hand over your things. I really don't want to see you in my company."

Sarah was utterly infuriated. Her eyes welled up with tears but she lowered her head and immediately left.

The shareholders were all at a loss of what to do. It was all President Hill's fault for putting his ex-wife and current girlfriend in the same place.

"Right, back to business." A stern expression came over Catherine's face. "What was that about? 'We'll respect President Hill's decision?' What has he got to d o with this company? If you all love kissing ass so much, then quit right now and go work for him." 2

She slammed her palm on the table, her eyes overflowing with indifference. "Remember that this corporation was built by my mother and she was a Jones. If you can't accept that, then just leave and enjoy the yearly bonus at home. Your sons, daughters, and relatives who work here will pack up and go with you."

The meeting finally came to an end.

Harvey looked at Catherine with respect." Chairwoman Jones, you were really impressive just now. When you were in charge in the past, you still showed much respect to those shareholders. But earlier, your dominating presence really told them who's boss. You're awesome."

She was speechless at his words and coughed dryly."

People change. I used to respect them and treated them as elders and as comrades who would fight in battle alongside myself. But I realize that the feeling isn’t mutual. Those people only care about personal profits and benefits."


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