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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 90

Jennings Solicitors.

Chase, who had just returned from his lunch break, walked into the office leisurely.

As he walked past Shaun's office, he noticed the secretary about to enter with a cup of coffee.

"Did Attorney Hill take his lunch break?” he asked the latter.

"No, he’s been looking through the new cases," the secretary whispered. "Attorney Hill is diligently taking on cases lately. Is he facing any financial problems? He used to take on two cases each month a t most, but now he's working on four cases simultaneously. He's so busy that he works overtime through every lunch break." 1

Chase scoffed. Would Shaun ever be faced with financial problems?

The president could run out of money but Shaun? Never in a million years.

The wealth he possessed could last for ten lifetimes. H e simply did not want to go back to an empty house yet was too stubborn to admit it.

"Alright, I'll take care of this." He took the coffee and stepped into the office.

"Leave it there,” Shaun said without lifting his head.

Chase sighed. "Ah, today's the engagement ceremony between the Jones and Lowe families. One of my friends who attended the event told me affectionate photos of Catherine and Ethan were displayed on the big screen. Everyone there accused her of setting the whole thing up. The poor girl was bullied."

Affectionate photos of her and Ethan?

Had she ever taken any with him? Not even one. 1

Shaun lifted his cold gaze. "How many times do I have to tell you? Stop talking about her in front of me. I don't care even if she's dead."

Chase was rendered speechless. He could have interrupted earlier if he did not intend to hear more. What a pretentious man.

"Sure, if that's what you want. Then I'm going to watch this clip my friend shared with me." He played the clip and saw Catherine jumping up onto the table.


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