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Betrothed To My Sister's Husband novel Chapter 5

( Rain Anderson Blackwood )

The evening has rolled on.I spent most of the day lurking aimlessly in the huge mansion.Why do people build such grand house for only two or three persons to live.I do love this house but for me it's useless to spend a huge amount of money just for pomp and show.A home is built on the foundation of love,care and respect for one another.

I texted Candance for her advise on the dresss I want to wear for the dinner though he didn't ask me to be present but as his wife and the mistress of the house,it is my duty to attend the guests but a part,in fact each active cell in my brain says it's a horrible idea.

I deny it's constant warnings and decide to go with my heart.

Never give up on him.

I recall Elle's words.

Two hours later,I am finally ready in a decent navy blue knee length midi dress much to my own comfort though Candy snorted angrily on me for selecting a 'grandmother's dress' for the very first dinner as Mrs. Blackwood but I decided to go with my own conscious.I don't like to reveal my body which my Mom and Roselie finds oddly fat.I admit I am not skinny like Roselie and most of the girls who believe walking like a skeleton only coated in a thin layer of skin is being modern and sexy.I have flesh on my curves neither I have a flat stomach.They used to criticize me for not taking care of my feminine beauty but my Dad and Rainard always supported me saying they love my healthy figure.

I curled my long brown hairs at the end and left them open and did minimum make up.It is just a dinner.I highly doubt my husband would even allow me to step inside the dining area.

I match my dress with a set of rose gold necklace and small diamond studs.They belong to my late grandmother gifted to her by my grandpa.She told me it was his first gift which he gave her when he confessed his love for her after six months of their arranged marriage.They happily spent sixty years of being married until my grandpa died seven years back,she followed him within one and a half year.They were the perfect epitome of true love.She told me about the intial days of her marriage.They had a rocky start as he married her under the pressure of his family because he was seeing another girl but soon they found their soul mate in each other.

I compare my marriage with theirs.Will I ever get Nicholas's love or perish with my unrequited love for him?

"Rain I need your help in the kitchen if you don't mind."Elle knocks on the door.

I take a deep breath before walking out of my room.Elle,who was standing at the doorstep gasps as soon as her eyes landed on me.

"You look very pretty Rose."She compliments me with a thumbs up.

"Thanks Elle but you're exaggerating."I blush on her praise.

"I am not hyperboling.You are indeed looking very beautiful.I am sure Nicholas will have a hard time to control himself."She winks at me while we walk to the kitchen area.

"Why do you need me in the kitchen?"I ask her in confusion as Nicholas has an army of cooks and maids to do all the chores.I don't even need to lift a spoon on myself.She asking my presence in the kitchen drops me in a pool of confusion.

"Oh I just wanted you to see check the preparations that's all."She waves her hand in the air with a low laugh.

"I am not an expert in the culinary skills Elle and definitely not someone who knows the eating preferences of Nicholas and his friends."I give her a pointed look.

"Its totally absurd.You may not be a master in cooking art but you can at least learn his likes and dislikes so in future you want to prepare food for him,you would know his favorites.Let me tell you a little secret,"She leans on my shoulder bringing her lips close to my ear and whispers,"Most men's stomach is the path to their hearts.They do love the food prepared by their beloved wives.Nicholas isn't an exception my dear."She winks at last.

"It's too much to expect Elle.He practically loathes my presence in the same house let alone eating the food cooked by me.He lashed on me in the morning when I took his coffee in his room."My voice chokes as I remembered his harsh words before he walked out on me.

"Like I said,give him some time.He'll soon understand who is best for him."She gives my forearm a light pat and enters in the kitchen where several cooks are preparing mouth watering delicacies.They give a bow in my direction as soon as I follow her inside.

My eyes roams on the kitchen island where all the dishes are placed.

"What do you think?"Elle rubs her hands excitingly.

"I am speechless.It looks like the President of the country himself is coming for the dinner."I grin causing her to chuckle.

"Nicholas's friends eats like starving buffoons.Believe me Rain,all these bowls will be licked clean in no time.Damien is practically a black hole when it comes to food."Elle tells me about his friends and a part of me is really excited to meet them if they don't despise me like him.


"Elle sweetheart where are you?"

"Elle I can smell something delicious cooking in the kitchen."

I hear manly voices echoes through the hall causing Elle to drop the silverware.

"They are here Rain."She mouths excitedly and run out of the kitchen leaving me to gather my shits together.

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2

Chapter 5 3


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