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Betrothed To My Sister's Husband novel Chapter 6

[ Rain Anderson Blackwood ]

"Don't talk to anyone."

I can get only this message by the way he has been giving me warning glares occasionally while his two best friends leave no chance to crack silly jokes or ask about my opinion on random topics.I mostly give them short answers because I am too conscious and scared at the same time seeing his stony expressions.Clearly,he is trying to surpress his anger and it's not good for me at least.

"Mila made this chocolate fudge?"Mason takes another spoonful of the chocolaty dessart on which I silently nod my head in affirmation, by the informations Elle gave me earlier in the afternoon about the house staffs,I learn Mila always makes the sweet dishes.

"Do you cook Rain?"Xavier asks me out of blue.

"Yeah I love to cook whenever I feel bored or my Dad wants to eat Indian food.I mostly cook Asian food and Chinese and Indian food are my favorite to cook."I reply with a sense of joy as I talk about one of my few hobbies.

"Really?"Both  Mason and Xavier exclaim in surprise.I again nod in response feeling hot burning pairs of eyes on me.

"Excellent!Will you cook for us too?"Xavier asks with a glint in his green eyes.

His request left me hanging in a dilemma.Neither I can refuse him nor I have rights to invite my husband's friends for a meal.I fear his reaction.God knows what titles he would give me.Perhaps,he would call me a whore.

"Rain will you coom home-made Asian food for us?Actually I don't like the Asian food that the restaurants here serve.I have been once in Vietnam and India for a business trip and to help the NGO's there for the spread of technical education when I got the chance to taste some authentic food at the local diners.I bet I never have the same tastes again."Mason shares his experience and by the way his voice sounds,I have no courage to turn him down.

I dare to look at Nicholas who is practically assassinating the poor cake with the spoon.

"Don't look at him for permission.He doesn't own you.This house is also yours and we are inviting ourselves on whenver day you like."Mason seemed to notice my discomfort and decided to drop another nuclear bomb upon me.

I am literally dead now.

My heartbeats accelerate again as he raise his emotionless face to glance at us,his expressions harden when he zooms his focus on me.I know I should be feeling extremely feared but I have to act normal in front of him friends.

I can do it.I can do it.

I keep chanting this mantra inside my heart and dare to lock my gaze with him to convey my unspoken question through my eyes.

I have to ask for his permission because it's his house and I do not possess any right on even a dirt particle laying on his property.

"I think you all have enjoyed your meal so you should be taking your leave now.I am tired and I have a very important meeting early in the morning."Nicholas raise from his seat.A clear message for his friends to take their departure.

I feel bad for them as their faces welcome traces of embarrassment but they shrug it off with a genuine smile.He is really fortunate to have them as his friend's except the clingy bitch who is constantly trying to flirt with him and he seems very comfortable with it.

"Oh I was telling them the same thing when they self invited them here.I know it's very hard for you to focus on your growing business and the ruckus in your private life."Charmaine rubs his back with a look of over conrcern.

I dig my nails in my palms to prevent myself from ripping her filthy hands from him but as I said,I do not own any marital rights on him.

"C'mon Charmaine.It was originally your idea to come here and meet his new wife as you couldn't attend his wedding so drop this act and it's better take your leave as well."Xavier says bitterly resulting her to drop the act.

"Mind your own fucking business Xavier Stone."She points her finger at him in a challenge manner.

The air is very tense by the way Xavier and Charmaine are shooting daggers at each other.I shouldn't be standing and watch their private affair.The circle looks closely knitted and I do not want to be an unwanted spectator.

"Don't fight like kids you both."Nicholas speaks for the first time during their silent cold war.He glares at his friends,"I said it's very late now and I want to take rest.I mean it guys."His voice is very deep and dangerous.It sends shivers run down my spine.

"But Nick he started it-"She tries to act innocent but Nicholas shows her his palm,an indication to keep her mouth shut.

"Charmaine when I said I want to be alone it means I want all three of your to take your leave and please stop targeting him for small things.I know it was your idea.Elle told me when you called her to prepare all our favorite dishes."He says in a slow yet angry tone.


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