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Billionaire ’s Unforgettable First Love novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 She Can’t Suffer in Silence 

Edison grabbed her fiercely and pulled her to him. With a wave of his hand, she fell onto the couch, which made all the things in her hands fall to the floor. 

She crawled up. Edison took out the medical kit from the cabinet and carried it over. 

He pushed down on her shoulder with his large hand, forcing her to lie back. 

As a result, she was forced to lie there. Then, she clutched the hem of her dress when she saw him trying to lift it up. 

"Give me the medical kit. I'll do it." 

"Don't move. If you move, it's a breach of the contract." 

Edison's attitude was firm, and his expression was extremely gloomy. 

Hence, Gwenyth did not dare to move, but she still refused to let go of the hem of her dress. 

Edison tried to pull her hand away, but she held on firmly. 

"Get off." 

"You asked me not to move." 

Edison was furious. He leaned over and grabbed a pair of scissors from the medical kit. He then cut a large hole in her bloodstained dress and tore off part of it. 

When he noticed a cut less than an inch on her abdomen, he kept his composure. After that, he helped her to stop the bleeding and inspected her injury. The glass did not make a deep cut, so he managed to stop the bleeding very fast. 

After simply bandaging her injury, he put away the scissors, gauze, and other stuff. He did not get up right away. He fixed his black eyes on her face, ready to demand an explanation from her. 

"I asked you to go but you vented your anger on my car, huh?" 

Gwenyth was furious that he had cut her off and told her to get lost. 

She had left all her money in her bag. She had no choice but to walk home without a penny. To make matters worse, she was wearing high heels. It would take her two to three hours to walk home from there. 

"I'll pay for the glass."  

"Can you afford it?" 

"How much is it?" 

"Fourteen thousand dollars." 

Consequently, Gwenyth was rendered speechless. 

She gaped in shock at the price of a car window. Seeing that, Edison stood up and restored the medical kit to its original spot. 

"You can sleep on the couch tonight." 

Gwenyth then looked down at her dress which he had torn and grabbed a pillow to cover her abdomen. She then asked him, "Do I still need to go to the horse farm tomorrow?" 

"No, I'll get a driver to give you a ride home in the morning." 

Having said that, he strode away and went upstairs. 

Gwenyth had a restless night and woke up early the next morning. 

She went to the bathroom to wash her face and changed into her clothes. She grabbed her bag and left quietly, not waiting for Edison to get her a driver. 

She rode a subway to go to the fast food restaurant where she worked as a part-timer. After that, she changed into her work uniform to start working. 

After working past mealtime, she was starving. She bought a bowl of porridge and ate it in a corner. A young woman opened the glass door and entered the restaurant. 

The woman wore a ponytail and a slick professional suit. She looked around without ordering anything and then fixed her gaze on Gwenyth. 

Gwenyth had met that woman the night before. She was Estella, Nancy's assistant. 

Gwenyth instinctively felt that Estella was not there to eat. It was very likely that Estella came for her, so she bowed her head to eat her porridge. 

Estella walked straight to Gwenyth and greeted her in a relatively polite manner. "Miss Lovelace, hello." 

Gwenyth looked up. "Hello, what can I do for you?" 

"Nancy wants to talk to you." 

"I have nothing to talk to Miss Shandy." 

However, Estella seemed not to have heard Gwenyth. She explained, "Nancy is in the car. Please get in and talk to her." 

"I'm working." 

"There are no customers now." 

Slight terror soon washed over Gwenyth. She had a bad impression of Nancy. She felt that Nancy was an arrogant and bossy young lady. When they were at loggerheads the first time, Nancy slapped her. Nancy even pressed her head into the sink the second time. What would Nancy do to her this time? 

"I'm sorry. I don't want to see Miss Shandy." 

As a result, Estella's face sank. She picked up her phone and made a call. "Come in." She then hung up. 


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