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Billionaire's Rough Sex novel Chapter 1


I was tossing in my bed, trying to get up from the long and deep sleep but I was too exhausted. Hell no, I didn't make out with anyone last night. Lucky for me, I'm purely single these days, which was kind of a relief for me. Feeling no control or pressure or pestering from any boyfriend made me in the mood and that what I was looking for those days.

The doorbell rang about ten times. 'Oh great! Who is coming up so early?' I mumbled in my mind. I hopped off my bed taking a look at the nightstand watch next to me. 'What?! 5 A.M. At least whoever that was at the door woke me up to get ready for my flight! I was going to make it.'

I stretched my arm in the air and hastened to open the door of my house. "Yes Steven! What the hell are you doing here?" I frowned annoyingly. Seriously? I should call the police because he acted like a stalker. I don't know what kind of brain he has in his dummy head? I told him millions of times I was not interested in him anymore and I'm not in love with him.

'Okay, I think I was but that was in the past. I didn't tell him to cheat on me and fuck ugly whores!'

"Good morning baby, I missed you so much," Steven huskily whispered, while checking my baby doll and my body slowly. I would love to pull out his eyes and squeeze them between my palms to stop him from checking me out. I hate the hell out of him.

I noticed I covered my body with my hand and closed the door a bit. "Go away Steven, there's nothing between us anymore. I'm not your baby. Stop annoying me." I huffed and tried to shut the door in his face but he stuck his body in and slipped inside my house.

I pushed him back to kick him out but he hauled me to his chest ruffling my long hair and lean down to my lips. "But I have never broken up with you. I do love you. I miss your body."

I tried releasing my hand from his strong grip while giving him a death glare. "Steven! Stop now! I never said that I was in love with you! I'd never said I will be forever for you! That was just a failed relationship and you know that." I furrowed my eyebrows pointing to him to get out.

He rubbed his chin, checking my butt with his unashamed eyes. "Whatever and I will never give up, you are mine," he smirked confidently. I can see him drooling all over me and moreover, he acted as if I didn't catch him in the sin.

I have no idea why I'd forgiven him several times. I never forgive but I guess I was just bored and hated the feeling to be lonely.

I pushed his chest with all my strength and yelled at his face. "Stop that! Even so, you can't force me and you know that being the son of an ambassador in my country won't give you much power than me. You know that I'm not that weak woman and my connections could kick you out of this country forever. Don't dare to talk to me like this or threaten me ever again." I hollered, pushing him out of the house and slamming the door behind him.

He hooted, "Yes, but even so, I will do my best to make you mine again and don't forget that sleeping with me is a sin in your country. Don't forget that." I could hear the blackmailing thing in his dirty monotone. How could he even think that those kinds of words could make me love him again or let him touch my body?!

I opened the door again and threw him a disgusted look, "Now listen to me, don't ever try to blackmail me because no one can do this! Before saying any more crap, I will cut your f'cking tongue." I warned him with a threatening tone and shut the door again, locking it; Ignoring all the mumbling words. It was the most egregious mistake ever that I got involved in Steven life!


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