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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 269

Frederick's gaze was as sharp as a hawk, "Can you stand by your words?"

"Absolutely!" Thelma affirmed, her eyes twinkling with unhidden ambition as she glanced at her hand, which was held by Chuck. "I wouldn't cross anyone, especially not money."

Understanding the hint in Frederick's eyes, Chuck slowly let go of her hand.

Thelma, eager as a beaver, quickly grabbed the bank card and lovingly examined it before carefully tucking it into her purse.

In a hushed voice, Chuck muttered, "So Yuna's sister is adopted. Adoption is fine, but why would Mr. Winston be deceived?"

With a smug grin, Thelma patted her purse, "Who knows what that couple was thinking. They often do strange things."

Frederick seized the opportunity, "Such as?"

Thelma looked up at the distinguished man. Figuring she had nothing to lose now, she decided to spill the beans, "Like they had a fortune teller predict the girl's future. The fortune teller said that the girl was born to be their nemesis. They got scared and tried to give her away, but no one wanted her.

But what you don't know is that ever since the girl came to their home, the Lockwoods became rich! They opened a casino in Stonebridge City and even bought a car. So, the girl was not a nemesis, but a lucky charm!"

Frederick pondered, "So, who did the girl end up with? Was it an old lady?"

"You mean Laverne? Yes, she took her in! The Lockwoods dumped her in a trash heap, and Laverne saved her.

That girl was a real looker when she was young, with pretty eyes and thick eyebrows. She is as beautiful as Yuna, but somehow, she stands out more."

These characteristics should have excluded Marguerite, but for some reason, Frederick couldn't shake her image from his mind.


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