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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 288

"You're already over two months pregnant, and the baby's already forming. Soon, it'll start developing arms and legs, it'll start kicking, can you really bear it, Marguerite?"

Marguerite froze, her slender fingers instinctively stroking her belly as if to feel the miracle of life. Even if she didn't want to believe it, she had to admit that Maurice had a knack for manipulation, for hitting people where it hurt the most and using that to his advantage.

She did have feelings for the unborn child. These feelings were hard to sever, a result of her innate maternal instincts.

Slowly, Maurice approached Marguerite. With a long arm, he closed the door behind them, "Give birth to the baby, I'll raise it, and I'll make it the cream of the crop."

"To leave my child with a lowlife like you? I'd have to be kicked in the head by a mule."

With that, Marguerite pushed Maurice away and turned to leave.

"Marguerite, do you want our child to live your past life? Can you afford to give it a proper upbringing? Can you afford to educate it?"

Maurice's voice was steady but it made Marguerite halt in her steps.

She thought of her own bleak childhood, of not knowing where the next meal would come from, of falling sick every other day, of being ostracized due to poverty.

Every mother wants to give her child the best, but what could she give, besides a hard-luck life?

"Or perhaps, you want to leave the child with Frederick? Don't forget, it's my blood, not his. Do you think he will accept it? Between your child and Yuna's child, who do you think he would choose? And even if he accepts it, people are unpredictable. Do you think he will treat it as his own?


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