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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 330

Teresa's gasp was so soft, it was barely audible.

Why on earth was her mom here? And why did she seem so chummy with Manley?

Mom was dressed in a lavish dress today, a far cry from her usual style.

What on earth was going on?

Before she could figure it out, she saw Manley tugging at the hem of Mom's dress, pointing at her and Hayes, a gleeful look on his face, “Mommy! This is the girl who's been mean to Hayes!"

Hearing Manley address the woman as "Mommy", Teresa finally snapped back to reality.

This wasn't her mom! But why did this woman look exactly like Mom?

"Manley, you've got it all wrong. Teresa is a friend of Hayes, invited by Mr. Winston to be a guest at our home, to play with Hayes." Chuck quickly intervened.

Yuna glanced at Teresa, her gaze icy. But when she looked at Frederick, her eyes softened, "Freddie, we've spent enough time with Hayes. Why did you invite a stranger to play with him?"

A stranger? She was no stranger! Teresa didn't like the way this woman spoke, so unfriendly, so sarcastic.

But it was really strange. Why was there a woman who looked exactly like her mom? And why did Hayes' dad look exactly like the man in her portrait?

Teresa felt utterly confused.

She quickly pulled Hayes away, muttering as they walked, "Let's go to your room! I have something important to tell you!"

Hayes immediately led Teresa into his bedroom, carefully closing the door behind them. He then took out a chalkboard and wrote, "What's up?"

With determined eyes, Teresa leaned in close to Hayes, her voice a dramatic whisper, "Hayes, this is super scary. You have to be prepared!"

Teresa's heavy breathing piqued Hayes' curiosity, and he watched her with bated breath.


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