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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 334

Kiss? Marguerite pulled Teresa close, questioning, "Who taught you that word?"

"No one! Lips meet lips, that's a kiss! Mommy, you didn't cheat on daddy, did you? Am I really Hayes' dad's child? Does daddy know about this?"

Teresa's shocking words frightened Marguerite. How could Teresa possibly be Frederick's child?

Obviously, this little girl must have misunderstood something. She had to straighten this out.

Marguerite took Teresa to her bedroom, struggling to find the right words to explain, when the little one broke the silence, "Mommy, stop making excuses! I may be only three, but I understand a lot! I want you to treat me as an equal!"

Marguerite was shocked again. This wasn't the first time Teresa's words had stunned Marguerite. Treat her as an equal? Kids these days sure are precocious. They're so articulate, even adults like her can't fool them.

However, since Teresa had asked, she didn't plan to hide anything anymore.

She sat down opposite her daughter, ready to have an honest conversation.

"Me and Hayes’ dad, we did date each other... But that was a long time ago. And your daddy knows about it."

“So if my mommy and Hayes’ dad were together, that means I'm his child?!” Teresa thought, then she wrung her tiny fingers, asking in a strained voice, "So, am I your and daddy's child?"

"Of course!" Marguerite replied without hesitation. "I carried you for nine months, how could it be otherwise?"

"That's not what I meant! What I meant was..." Teresa's cheeks puffed up like an angry little pufferfish. She stammered for a while, then blurted out, "Is Maurice really my dad?"


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