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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 377

That’s right, there’s no way!

Checking bone age simply requires assessing the closure of the joints. There's absolutely no need for a blood draw, let alone a paternity test!

Yuna reassured herself. As soon as Frederick left, she turned to Teresa, emphasizing that she must bring her parents to the birthday celebration the next day.

Teresa, thinking it was for Hayes' birthday party, didn't think twice and agreed happily.

Meanwhile, in a suburban casino...

Ever since Yuna had given birth and left for Vespera, Frederick had given the Lockwoods a sum of money. They'd used this money to open a casino in the outskirts of Stonebridge City.

At that time, the smoke-filled casino was bustling with lively card games.

Suddenly, a drunken, rotund man stumbled in.

He slammed his beer bottle on the ground, a reckless grin on his face, and looked at Zoe behind the bar with a challenging and contemptuous gaze, "Hey, Mom. Long-time no see, huh?"

Zoe was taken aback and terrified at the sight of the man.

She was so frightened that her mouth widened, and she stared at the man in shock. "Barnes..."

In an instant, the entire casino fell into an eerie silence. Everyone turned their heads to watch what was happening at the bar.

Barnes, stepping over the glass shards, reeked of alcohol. "Well, well. You remember my name!"

Ablett stood frozen on the spot, as if facing a great enemy.

A gambler not far away glared at Barnes, angrily throwing his cigarette stub on the ground and cursing at Barnes, "What are you doing? If you've had too much to drink, go cause a scene elsewhere! Don't mess with my luck here!"

In a split second, Zoe seemed to see a flash of anger in Barnes' eyes. Before she could react, Barnes swiftly moved towards the gambler and grabbed his collar, crashing him onto the floor.

The customers, frightened, quickly scattered, leaving Barnes alone in the center of the casino.


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