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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 409

Frederic was speechless.

Damn it! Is this kid really his own flesh and blood? He's constantly spouting things that make him embarrassed!

A stern expression once again settled on his face as he sneered with a contemptuous curl of his lip, "Just a little girl, and she thinks she’s got me all figured out? Dream on!"

In little time, the four of them were back at the mansion, with Frederick and Robert retreating to the study to handle the unexpected hacking incident that occurred that morning.

Not long after, Chuck came rushing in, his expression grim.

"Mr. Winston, our tech guys say they can only trace the hacker's location to Veracoria, and it seems there's indeed some connection with Maurice. But we're still at a loss as to how they made our company lose three billion."

Frederick's face darkened, his sharp features revealing his exhaustion. He'd been running around all day without any leads, and he was at his wit's end. His finger lightly massaged the spot between his eyebrows as he ordered coldly, "Intensify the investigation!"

"Yes, sir!"

Although three billion was just peanuts to Frederick, a hacker capable of triggering the company's alarm system wasn't something to be taken lightly.

Who was hiding in the shadows? They had infiltrated the company, but only stole three billion.

What was their motive?

Frederick was at a loss. His slender finger moved to massage the corner of his eye, after a moment, he opened his eyes to see Chuck still standing there.

"Anything else?" he asked, his thin lips barely moving.

"Mr. Winston, there's another matter, which could be big or small, that I would like to report to you."

It was about Yuna. But since Mr. Winston had always been indifferent to Yuna, Chuck was unsure about how to proceed, and decided to ask for Mr. Winston's opinion.


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