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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 417

Meanwhile, at the Winston Group.

Just as Maurice was about to get off work, Janie burst into his office in a frenzy, "Mr. Winston, I went to the hospital and indeed, there is a child whose blood type matches Mrs. Winston's."

Maurice was taken aback, completely dumbfounded. He had sent Janie to the hospital to investigate, merely to put on a show for Marguerite. But he didn't hold out any hope.

Who would have thought, Janie had actually uncovered something!

Maurice's brows furrowed, he immediately prompted, "Go on."

Janie raised an eyebrow, scanned the room to ensure no one else was around, and hesitated before continuing.

"But that day... nearly a hundred children had their blood tested, so it's impossible to confirm which child it was. However, I reviewed the hospital's surveillance footage and saw Hammond at the blood test department that day. I compared the timelines and found that Marguerite received the erroneous text from the hospital right after Hammond left the blood test department.

Mr. Winston, Hammond is highly suspicious! And when Mrs. Winston came to you about the matter that day, I noticed that Hammond looked very uneasy, he was particularly nervous!"

No sooner had Janie finished speaking, Hammond burst into the room, shouting, "Janie, stop slandering me! I wasn’t nervous! I was worried for Mrs. Winston! You're just jealous of me because I joined the company later than you, yet I became the head manager while you're still an assistant, you've always wanted to bring me down!

Mr. Winston, you can't just listen to Janie's side of the story. I went to the hospital because I was sick and needed a blood test! It has nothing to do with Marguerite's child."

Maurice narrowed his eyes at Hammond, his deep gaze locking onto him.

"Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

Hammond, confused, quickly shook his head, "No, I wasn't! I just came in to deliver some documents and heard Janie accusing me. I was so taken aback that I burst in. Mr. Winston, I promise it won't happen again. But everything I just said is true!"

"Oh? Is that so? Then how do you know that our discussion was about Marguerite's child?"

Suddenly, Hammond was at a loss for words. His rush to defend himself had inadvertently revealed more information, "Mr. Winston, I... I was just guessing..."

Janie glared at Hammond and presented more evidence.

"Hammond, you're quite something, your guess was spot on. But you didn't just go to the hospital that day, you also went yesterday, and again to the blood test department!


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