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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 457

Marguerite was left utterly befuddled under Barnes' intense gaze.

Could this possibly have something to do with her?

An hour later, by the time Yuna arrived at the corridor of the holding cell, she was well aware of what was about to unfold.

That coward Barnes must have blabbed her name!

But it was fine, because she had prepared her speech and was ready for anything.

What she didn't expect was to see Marguerite in the holding cell!

What was that wench doing here?

Of course! Marguerite was somehow aware of last night’s shooting incident.

While Yuna glared daggers at Marguerite, Barnes looked at Yuna with a mischievous twinkle in his eye and asked affectionately, "There you are."

The nerve of him! To address her with such familiarity in front of Freddie!

Yuna was so irate she could have jumped out of her skin as she struggled to contain her anger, "Pfft! Who gave you the right to speak to me like that?"

Barnes, seemingly unbothered, continued, "Yuna, fetch me a glass of water, will ya? Out of everyone here, you’re the only one who cares about me."

"Don't talk like there's something between us. I don't know you!"

As Yuna spoke, she nervously glanced at Frederick.

Frederick's eyes were deep and probing, his gaze upon her felt like a cross-examination, making Yuna’s heart pound.

"What are you waiting for? Get the water." After a tense silence, Frederick abruptly broke the stillness.

What... What’s going on? Why was Freddie agreeing to let her fetch water for Barnes?

Reluctantly, Yuna picked up a paper cup from the table and walked over to the water cooler. She slowly filled the cup with water.

But unseen by the others, she concealed a small white pill beneath her beautifully manicured index finger.


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