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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 466

At that moment, all eyes in the living room were fixed on Yuna.

Powell Winston occupied the prime spot on the sofa, his right leg encased in a plaster cast resting on the coffee table, his left hand gripping a cane, and his eyes wide and intense.

Lisette lounged with one leg crossed over the other, lazily shelling pumpkin seeds, seemingly delighted by the unfolding drama.

Jocelyn sat on the other end of the sofa, her gaze lowered as she knitted a scarf, as if she’d grown accustomed to such family spectacles.

And then there was Frederick, positioned directly in front of Yuna, his expression unreadable, his silence and lofty demeanor terrifying.

"Freddie, please forgive me! My dealings with Barnes were purely financial, I swear that was it!

He threatened me, Freddie, otherwise I’d never have gotten involved with him in any way!

Before you came back, I confessed to Jocelyn and Lisette, I promised Uncle Powell, I won't let anything like this happen again! Please, Freddie, won't you forgive me?"

Actually, Yuna had been on her knees in the living room for quite some time.

This tactic was something her mother, Zoe, had advised.

After all, first impressions are powerful, so once she came home, she immediately explained the situation to Jocelyn and Powell, expressing her deep regret.

Of course, the full truth was neatly omitted.

She only needed to emphasize the threat from Barnes, to stir up sympathy from the family elders, and then earnestly express her remorse.

With that, as long as someone spoke up for her, Frederick, under familial pressure, might be compelled to forgive her.

And sure enough, Lisette, with a sly undertone, chimed in while cracking seeds, "Freddie, don't be petty. The poor girl is apologizing so sincerely. What can't you forgive? Come on now, get up from there, stop kneeling!"

Yuna, with tears that could evoke pity in the devil himself, kept shaking her head, "No! If Freddie doesn't forgive me, I won't get up!"


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