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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 490

Yuna's face fell instantly as Manley's scream echoed through the sterile corridors of the hospital.

"Yuck! I don't want his filthy blood! Mommy, I don't want it, please!"

If Manley kept this up, pretty soon the whole hospital would know she was planning to use the blood of Hayes for her precious boy. They had only bribed the compliance of the head of the hematology department, and if word got out, it could reach Frederick's ears.

Taking a deep breath, Yuna tried to pacify her son with a calculated tenderness.

"Okay, okay sweetie, Mommy promises we won't use Hayes' blood for your transfusion! Now, go back to your room before Grandma worries herself sick looking for you."

At that, Manley's fears seemed to subside. He threw a wary glance at Hayes and, with a haughty tilt of his chin, strutted off.

Hmph! He had just saved that little mute's life!

When he got better, he'd make sure that mute thanked him properly!

Once Manley had left the lab, the intern turned to Yuna.

"Ms. Lockwood, I'll just go and confirm the arrangements with that adult donor, and we can schedule the transfusion for Manley as soon as possible."

Yuna's expression turned icy, "Forget it, we'll use Hayes' blood."

The intern, puzzled, replied, "But... I thought we agreed..."

"I consulted with your department head yesterday. There's no risk of rejection between twins. Do you really think I'd risk my son's life with some stranger's blood?"


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