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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 531

Chapter 531 

A few days ago, after Hackett had rescued her from the hospital, she had been staying at the opulent Fitzgerald Mansion for several nights. 

But then, Zoe had called her, insisting that she return to the grandeur of the Winston Mansion. 


Her mother’s reasoning was simple now that the Fitzgeralds had accepted her as their family, their loyalties would naturally lie with her. That was an undeniable truth. And the most crucial part of her plan was to capture Frederick’s heart. 

Firstly, with the endorsement of her newfound status as a Fitzgeraldr, she was surely a match for Freddie. Secondly, Freddie, considering the Fitzgeralds’ reputation, would likely invest more effort in courting her. 

With this, she would firmly grasp Freddie’s heart! 

And then, Yuna would reign as Stonebridge City’s most sought-after socialite, wielding influence like a queen. 

That’s why Yuna had used the excuse of worrying about Manley and Hayes to convince Hackett that she needed to return to the Winston Mansion. Though Hackett had just reclaimed his daughter and was loath to let her go, he was also inclined to indulge her, so without much thinking, he had agreed to send Yuna back. 

Triumphant, Yuna hugged Manley a little closer to her chest, her eyes gleaming wickedly. She knew that from now on, she would be one of Stonebridge. City’s elite. 

With the Fitzgeralds backing her, it wouldn’t be long before she trampled Marguerite Lockwood underfoot and monopolized Freddie’s affection. 

But she wouldn’t claim Marguerite’s life just yet. Now that she had everything Marguerite could only dream of, she wanted to savor her rival’s torment. 

Yuna’s era was finally dawning! 

The next day at Poppy Petal Fragrances. 

When Marguerite had last left the office, there had been the unexpected matter of Hayes needing blood work, and she had hastily taken a week off to care for him. 

As a result, she hadn’t been to the office in a week, and she had lots of work to deal with. 

She hustled out of the elevator, rushing toward her office 

However, her office was on a split-level floor, and to reach her glass-encased office, she had to walk past many of her colleagues’ workstations. 

The moment she appeared, she sensed the atmosphere shift eerily 

Every employee shot her puzzled glances, some even gasping in shock as if she wasn’t supposed to be there at all. 

What was going on? 

Marguerite was hesitating when Linda from the design department suddenly stood up, blocking her path with her body. 

Linda tilted her chin up haughtily, looking down at Marguerite with disdain in her voice, “Well, well, if it isn’t Manager Marguerite? Oh, I mean, the former manager Marguerite! What brings you here? Didn’t you get the memo that you’ve been fired?” 

Marguerite was taken aback but maintained her composure, “What are you talking about?” 

Linda sneered, “Marguerite, you got fired, so drop the act. Riding on your looks and the resemblance to President Penelope’s daughter, did you really see yourself as a highborn lady? Heh, do you even believe in your own abilities or are you that clueless? Sorry to break it to you, but your position has been taken over by the rightful owner. Better pack your stuff and scram 

Linda had always been irked by Marguerite! 

Before Marguerite’s arrival, the top spot in the design department had been vacant. 


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