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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 560

Chapter 560 

Frederick cast a deep, lingering glance at Miley before he turned on his heel, a cold detachment sinking into his bones as he mercilessly pulled out a folder and began to review the documents within. His actions screamed his stance loud and clear. 

He had already shown Marguerite kindness by treating her injury; had he not indulged her enough lately? He feared that if he chased after her, he would only lose more control. 

And Marguerite would surely tick him off even more! 

He would rather die than relive the tragedy of three years ago! 

Miley, seeing Frederick’s heartless demeanor, felt helpless and worried for Marguerite. With no other choice, she hastily followed her out. 

They drove to the cosmetics factory where Marguerite was surprised to find the swelling in her right ankle had subsided, and walking was less painful than before. 

Miley/approached Marguerite with a chuckle, linking arms with her, “Wow, Mr. Winston’s got some skills. You can tell he’s a pro when he was massaging you. Felt good, didn’t it?” 

Marguerite was baffled. How did Miley manage to make that sounds weird! 

As they noticed the factory manager approaching from the entrance, Marguerite quickly reminded Miley, “Don’t make him sound like some kind of masseur! And please, no nonsense in front of others, let’s stay focused at work!” 

Miley muttered under her breath, “So stubborn!” but quickly switched gears, putting on her best social butterfly performance as the manager approached. 

“Hello!! This is Mr. Winston’s assistant, Ms. Lockwood, and I’m her friend, Miley Goldie. We’re here to inspect the factory. If everything checks out, we’re ready to sign the contract and start production.” 

The manager was a gaunt middle-aged man with a protruding mouth and heavy dark circles under his eyes. He eagerly made his way over to them upon seeing Miley’s greeting. 

“Ms. Lockwood, Ms. Goldie, please call me Zack. Mr. Winston already briefed me, please come this way.” 

Zack seemed a bit anxious as he led the way into the factory. 

Marguerite and Miley were wrapped in white protective gear as Zack explained, “Ms. Lockwood, here we have the finished product and raw materials area; the corner is where production and quality control take place.” 

He glanced at Marguerite’s foot, concern flashing across his face, “Ms. Lockwood, we’ve got a wheelchair from the pharmacy just now, would you like to sit and rest for a bit?” 


Chapter 560 

Marguerite smiled, “There’s no need. I’ve just twisted my ankle; it’s not that serious.” 

Zack smiled awkwardly, remembering Mr. Winston’s call, which had left him under the impression that her injury was severe. He had rushed to get a wheelchair in his panic. 

Now, he wondered if Mr. Winston was testing their hospitality. 

Zack’s tone grew more respectful, “Ms. Lockwood, rest assured, our factory staff are highly trained to ensure perfection at every stage of production. 

Poppy Petal Fragrances making a deal with our factory is definitely a wise choice!” 

Marguerite inspected the facility, finding it met the standards and proactively signed the contract with Zack. 


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