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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 570

Chapter 570 

Half an hour later, at Poppy Petal Fragrances, 

ધરા સાબર 

Marguerite didn’t spot Frederick upon arrival at the office, but there was Miley, busily packing up office supplies in the director’s office. 

Catching sight of Marguerite trudging in looking worn out, Miley couldn’t help but blurt out, “Did you have another spat with Frederick?” 

“How did you know?” Only an hour had passed since the incident to her arrival at the company. How could the news have reached Miley so swiftly? 

Miley sidled up to Marguerite and said, “Robert just called me. Said Frederick won’t be in for a while and asked me to keep an extra eye on the factory for you. Right in the thick of launching a new product line, and he bails just like that. I figured you two must’ve had a fight. What’s it about this time?” 

He’s not coming in for a while? Looks like Frederick was genuinely upset this time. 

But as miffed as he might be, where could she air her grievances? 

She hadn’t done a thing, and yet, she was inexplicably splattered with mud. 

A heavy lump seemed to lodge in Marguerite’s chest, and with a sigh that betrayed her lack of spirit, she tersely laid out the sequence of events. 

After listening, Miley looked at her with a mix of curiosity and scrutiny, pressing, “Marguerite, are you really that clueless, or is it an act? How can you not see what’s so glaringly obvious?” 

Marguerite, baffled, mumbled, “What do you mean?” 

Miley gave her a look that was usually reserved for a blockhead, then ushered her to sit face-to-face on the couch, her eyes implying a hidden depth. 

“Manley’s so certain you hit him, but did you ever consider, maybe…” She paused mid-sentence, her gaze fixed intently on Marguerite, before mysteriously adding, “He got the wrong person?” 

As Marguerite’s eyelids flicked open in confusion, her face was a canvas of puzzled innocence. 

She was somewhat bewildered, but not without sense. Miley’s words were 

straightforward, and even someone as obtuse as Marguerite couldn’t miss their meaning. But how could it be? 

Marguerite’s emotions tangled instantly, but Miley continued, “Don’t forget, Yuna looks just like you. You said Hayes mistook you for her the first time he saw you. So why couldn’t 



“Why would Yuna hit her own kid?” 

Miley was dismissive, not hesitating for a second, “Yuna’s twisted, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do. Don’t forget, Hayes is her child too! If she can harm Hayes, why would she spare Manley?” 

“I still find it unbelievable. A child is a mother’s shield and her weakness. Like me, I’d die for Teresa! I can’t see why Yuna would hurt Manley, unless… to get back at me?” 

If that were true, Yuna had indeed lost all humanity. 


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