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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 586

Robert's gaze was accusatory, relentless in its intensity as he bore down on Yuna before him.

Yuna, eyes darting with guilt, seemed utterly incapable of uttering a single coherent sentence.

Damn it! How could she have forgotten something as crucial as the security footage?

Had she known this debacle would ensue, she never would have brought it up at such a critical moment. She had truly shot herself in the foot.

Meanwhile, the dinner table was rife with tension, an awkward silence enveloping the guests. It was up to Penelope to break the ice.

"Alright, alright, let's consider this little incident water under the bridge, shall we? Isn't this the first time we've all sat down for a meal together since Yuna came home? Let's lighten up a bit, no more sour faces. It's a family dinner after all!"

With Penelope's interjection, Robert felt compelled to relent, if only to preserve her dignity.

He grudgingly put away his phone and refrained from further comment.

For the remainder of the evening, whether they were dining, toasting, or simply making conversation, Robert remained silently compliant. He watched Yuna charm their father, Hackett, into a placid state, all the while sneering internally at the display.

After several rounds of wine, Hackett's eyes glazed over with a tipsy sheen and a hint of teary emotion as he reflected on life's hardships, "Having Yuna back and seeing Robert all grown up and sensible, it makes me feel so blessed! I hope from here on out, we can all move forward together, hand in hand!"

Intoxicated, Hackett was visibly moved as he delved into the past, "You kids might not know this, but your mom and I, we had a shotgun wedding! When we unexpectedly conceived your brother, I knew I had to step up. I couldn't wait to make Penelope my wife.

As for Yuna, oh, she was the apple of the eye in our family even before she was born. We always wanted a daughter and worked hard to make that happen! You have no idea how ecstatic the entire Fitzgerald clan was when we found out we were having you. It was almost a national celebration!"


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