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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 67

A bunch of missed calls, but Marguerite didn't pick up a single one.

She had put her phone on silent to avoid distractions before the morning fragrance match. Therefore, she didn't hear the ringtone at all.

But those missed calls were ancient history now, and Marguerite didn't feel the need to return them.

She knew for sure that Frederick was trying to tell her something.

Frederick, Yuna's lover, what else could he do apart from defending Yuna?

Marguerite didn't feel like stirring up trouble.

She had checked out several motels, but they all seemed too pricey. So, left with no choice, she took the last bus back to the office and decided to crash on the office couch.

The late spring and early summer nights were a bit chilly, and Marguerite felt a little cold. She curled up, hugging herself, feeling lonely and desolate.

She rubbed her hands constantly, but it didn't chase away the chill.

So, she got up to find a paper cup and fumbled to pour herself a cup of hot coffee to warm her hands.

Suddenly, the lights in the CEO's office came on, and Marguerite blinked in surprise as Robert walked in, looking astonished.

"What are you doing here? Do you know Frederick's been looking everywhere for you?"

Marguerite was stunned, the warm steam from the cup in her hands bringing some warmth back to her face and hands.

"He's looking for me?"

"He thought you were in danger because you weren't answering your phone!" Robert said, taking out his phone. "I'm calling him back now. He's worried sick and was about to call the cops!"

"I put my phone on silent." Marguerite sounded helpless, her emotions mixed.

Was he worried about her too?

At this point, Robert had dialed Frederick's number.

He glanced at Marguerite and walked into the office lounge, speaking quietly on the phone, "Marguerite's been found. Call off the police. Do you want me to take her home for you, or will you come and pick her up yourself?"

For some reason, Marguerite wanted to hear what Robert and Frederick were saying.

Frederick was actually worried about her. That piqued Marguerite's curiosity.

The lounge door was slightly ajar, and Marguerite stood at the doorway. In the silent room, Frederick's voice from the phone was clear and audible.

"Where was she?"

"In the office. She said her phone was silent, and she didn't hear it."

"She comes up with such lame excuses? I shouldn't have bothered looking for her. She can fend for herself!"

Frederick growled angrily. The sound was so piercing that Robert immediately moved his phone a little further away.

"Frederick, she didn't do it on purpose. Besides, you were the one who messed up today. It's only normal for her to be stubborn. Apologize to her, and let's move on."

Frederick was still seething, using the nastiest words to vent his frustration. "I should apologize to her? Was she worth it?"

Marguerite was stunned.


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