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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 673

Abbey seemed swamped and hadn't picked up the phone.

Losing patience, Marguerite called again. The ringtone went on forever before Abbey's frazzled voice finally came through.

"Hello, Stonebridge City Police Department, Abbey speaking. How can I help you?"

"Ms. Abbey, it's Marguerite. I just received a package from the police station and was wondering if Penelope's phone data has been retrieved. The call recording I have only includes my voice. What about hers?"

At Marguerite's prompting, Abbey sounded even more frustrated:

"We're having a hard time with Penelope's phone. She had some serious anti-eavesdropping software installed, so it's going to take a while to get anything off of it. Just hang tight; I'll let you know the moment we have something."

So, that was it!

Marguerite had hoped for some results today.

She hung up, feeling helpless. But then, Miley noticed something beneath the transcript of the phone recording—a statement from the police declaring Marguerite's innocence.

Miley, puzzled, said, "Marguerite, I'm confused. Why did you want my mother-in-law's recording? Your own recording clearly proves that you had ended the call before her accident happened. In other words, Penelope's crash has nothing to do with you. So, what's the point of having her recording?"

Marguerite met Miley's baffled gaze.

She realized that since Penelope's accident nearly two weeks ago, Miley had been through the worst of it and was starting to think more clearly. There seemed no point in hiding the truth any longer.


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