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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 763


As I pen this letter, you're lying in bed, casting a smile my way. Though you're within an arm's reach, I find myself crazily missing you.

Sounds paradoxical, doesn't it?

I guess I'm a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde. Prone to outbursts, then suddenly indifferent. And towards you, it's no different.

Do you think I'm a bad boy?

Even after three years, I still can't muster the courage to admit I'm insanely in love with you.

I'm a coward, afraid of repeating past mistakes, yet, like a spy, I keep probing you, over and over again.

Alright, I confess, I am that spy.

The one eager to uncover every secret hidden within your heart.

I yearn to know everything about you, to know if your love for me burns as fervently as mine does for you.

Marguerite, staying back at the Winston Mansion has been both my happiest and most agonizing time.

Happy, because I no longer need to rely on snippets from others to know about you. I can openly observe you.

Agonizing, because I dreaded Maurice's contact with you.

I feared him holding your hand, wrapping his arm around your waist, everything he did to you.

Seeing him walk alongside Teresa and you, my jealousy would spiral out of control.

Why couldn't that be me? After all, Teresa is my child, and I, the only man who has ever possessed you.

So, why can't we stand in the sunlight like any normal couple?

Yet now, having you back feels like a treasure regained. But greedy as I am, I want more.

I covet your body and soul, your clear eyes and peaceful face.

I long for you to lean on my arm, rest your head on my shoulder, and in a playful tone say, "I'm so hungry, can you feed me?"

Do you find me repulsive? But that's just me.

If I can't have what I want in reality, is it too much to ask for a few vivid dreams?

When I open my eyes, it's you. When I close them, it's still you. Everything within reach is you.

Yet, by the time you unfold this letter, I have no idea where I'll be.

Heaven or hell? Let it be.


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