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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Prologue

TIA in reading this story! Mwa :*


Ashira's POV

Werewolves does exist. Before, it was just a myth. A way to scare the children or to keep the teens from going out too much.

But it is real. Werewolves are real.

I knew this because I am one of them. I'm a living proof of the myth. I'm a She-Wolf.

Humans doesn't know we exist. No one knew we exist, at least from the human world.

"Ashira!" A cheery sweet voice took my attention from gazing out.

My friend, Lucy, came running towards my direction. Just like me, she was wearing a white thin satin dress that is just above the knee. We both are wearing a wood-made sandals.

If you're going to compare the way we're dressed, we'll look so weird despite the age and year we are in.

We have no underwear inside the thin white dress. The wood sandals are even made by the elders of the pack.

But this is not the way we dress-up.

A sacred ceremony will be held and we just need to dress like so.

It's a pack tradition.

Werewolves like us need to stick together. We have our pack. Me and my friend, Lucy belongs to the Regal pack under the reigning of Alpha David together with his Beta, Eric.

Eric, the Beta of Regal, is the one who took me in and act as my guardian.

I was once a Rogue. A lone-wolf. I don't know who my parents was or if I belong to other pack before. I have no memories of my childhood.

All I remember was walking in the middle of the forest and being found by Eric. He's already a Beta at that time.

Eric's mate, Ophelia, accepted me as their orphan child. They also have a son named Cruz, he's a couple years older than I am.

I get along well with Eric and his family. Cruz is even overprotective like I am his sister. Overall, I settled in this pack even though I'm practically an outsider.

"You looked excited, Luce." I said to her when she came near me. We walked sideways towards the line where the other She-Wolf is. They wear the same kind of dress.

"And you're not? We're talking about mapping here! Of course I'll be hell bent!"

Mapping is a pack tradition. It's held annually before the end of the year. Now, it's happening five days before christmas.

The Mapping is a sacred ceremony and is one of the most important event for every pack.

It's not just the Regal pack that held this ceremony. Every pack all over the continent does.

We'll be able to know from which pack our mate is. This is the main concern of the mapping.

Each wolf have their own mates. If a wolf is not able to meet its mate, they won't have the chance to produce a pup.

Even if a wolf had sex with every wolf, you'll not be able to get pregnant unless it's your mate.

A wolf can only produce their heir with their mate. So finding a mate is a must especially for the Alpha's of the pack. Even for the Beta and third-in-command.

They'll need their mate to continue their legacy.

It's not easy to pick a Beta or Gamma. Those high rank positions are mostly inherited. Unless that bloodline will betray the Alpha then they will banish that bloodline from having a position in the high ranks.

I just shrugged the thought of finally locating my mate. I'm not really interested.

"I'm just waiting for this moment ever since I was born." Lucy's eyes are even sparkling as she said that.

That reaction is very common. Most of the She-Wolf are waiting for this moment of their life.

But not me. I don't have any butterflied flying on my stomach whenever the word mate is involved.

"How does this work again?" I asked. I knew most of pack laws and its system but I never dig deep when it comes to anything about mapping or mates.

"You're so uninterested, Ashira. Aren't you excited to meet your mate?"

I shrugged only to answer her question. She rolled her eyes on me.

"Whatever. So here," she point the house of the enchantress. "There's a sacred knife inside and you'll cut your palm with it. You'll let the blood drop on the map and it will do its magic." She explained with excitement."


She lumped her shoulders and looked at me like I'm unbelievably naive.

"This thing are taught to the toddlers and you don't know?" She scuffed.

I scowled at her.

"Whatever. So when the enchantress do her chant, the part of the map where you're mate is will glow." She said, having sparkles on her eyes once again.

"Technically, we won't know who exactly our mate is." I stated. That sounds like a job.

"Exactly! Isn't it exciting!" Her voice almost made me cover my ear.

I scowled. "Exciting how?"

Lucy rolled her eyes at me. "We'll go to where they are, duh! First, we'll be able to visit other territories."

"Only if the mate is not from our own pack." I cut her and shrugged.

"Whatever, Ashira! Oh! And second, we'll be accommodated by the other pack. That's like having a free vacation with place to stay and free foods to eat!" She screams the last words.

"You sound like they don't feed you here." I cut again.

She ignored me this time.

"Third, we'll finally have the chance to attend the annual mapping party!"

Every year, every pack celebrates the annual mapping party. On the same dates the Alpha's agreed on.

This year will be held the night before Christmas. So that the She-Wolves will have their time to travel to the packs where the mapping leads them. And to prepare themselves.

There are She-Wolves from other pack that come here every annual mapping party. And they'll meet their mates at the party.

The same will happen to us soon.

Every year, Regal pack loses its She-Wolves. And every year new She-Wolves from other packs was added.

It's like exchanging the women of packs. But for a reason.

The men cannot leave the pack. Only the She-Wolves can.

It's not possible for male wolfs the transfer to another pack. The female should always transfer. That's every pack's law.

The loyalty of the men wolves is essential.

Also, its a pack law so even the men like to switch packs, they can't unless they go Rogue. But only few packs accepts Rogue as one of them. Rogue tends to have a traitor's blood. That's how packs see them.

"Any worst case scenario?" I asked Lucy again. The long line is now a few. I guess the process of mapping is easy. We're almost next.

Many girls came out of the enchantress's house with wide ear smile. Knowing where their mate is really cause rampage in their system. I can't relate.

Lucy somehow think of an answer to my question.

"Hmm, as far as I heard, there's a wolf before that lose her consciousness. Practically, blood loss. She cut way too deep on her palm. But that's the worst I know."

Okay. I don't think I'll be stupid enough to cut myself deep.


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