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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 14

Everything happened so fast. Seth runs upstairs with inhuman speed and barge into Ava's room.

I was about to follow after him when Aiden stopped me, he held my waist tight that I'm steadied in my feet. I looked up at his face and he shook his head twice.

"They're mates. He won't harm her." Aiden assures me.

I heard Ava's scream but not entirely from pain, pleasure is mixed in it. Seth must have claimed her the moment he came upon her. A faint scent of blood lingers in my nose, then I know I was right. Seth claimed Ava.

Aiden and I kept standing for minutes. Nick is now on the couch again, scrolling through his phone like nothing was happening. Aurea keeps preparing the table. I guess I'm the only one who is bothered by the sudden event.

"Does he have a mate?" I whispered to Aiden and nod my head towards Nick's direction.

Aiden chuckled and kissed my temple. "Luck is not yet on his side, baby." there's a mocking tone in his voice that made Nick narrowed his eyes on us.

"I can hear you." Nick snorted.

Aiden's chuckle raises as he looked at Nick who rolled his eyes at us.

"I don't need a mate yet. I'm too busy with you, darling." Nick said giving Aiden a wink that made Aiden growl. I laughed because of that.

"Hey, Seth!" Nick shouted while looking upstairs.

"Stop hiding under your mate's skirt! Don't waste the food prepared for you!"

I chuckled when I heard Seth's growl from upstairs.

I'm happy for Ava. My invitation helped her somehow. She found her mate because she stayed. She wouldn't need to wait another year to meet Seth.

"Let's eat first." Aiden whispered and pushed my lower back closer to the table. "Nick." he called.

He pulled a chair for me then he sat next to mine, placing a hand on my thigh.

Aiden's gesture always flutter my heart. Sometimes I think he's doing it unconsciously because it already seemed a part of him. Though he did it a few times to prove that I am his.

Suddenly, I remembered Lucy and what she's facing right now with her mate, Alpha Jacob. Aiden is good to me regardless of our first encounter and thinking that my best friend suffers from that guy troubles me.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked, he probably sensed my feelings. Ugh, I always forgot how this mate bond works. I should be careful on what I'll feel or else I'll worry him.

I shook my head. "I just remembered something."

He examined me, almost waiting for me to add more words in my mouth.

I sighed and looked away. I'm not going to say anything but I recalled a thought.

"Uhm, a question." He raised an eyebrow to me, waiting for it. I saw Nick sat down on the chair in front of us. "Uh, how would one know if their mate is cheating on them?"

Aiden narrowed his eyes on me. Not following with the question.

It is Aurea who answered.

"A wolf will never cheat once it meet it's mate."

But Lucy said she feels it. Was that just an intuition? I opened my mouth to speak but Nick did before I can utter a word.

"Still possible though. For an Alpha." Nick shrugged, his focus is on his food.

Then it's true! Cheating can be sensed by it's mate! Lucy's mate is Alpha Jacob. He's an Alpha. I wonder why Alpha can cheat on their mates though the other wolves can't.

"Why?" I asked, focusing on Nick.

He gulped the food on his mouth, shrugging. "An Alpha solely had complete control with their wolf. Once they put their claim, they can escape the anguish from the heat. So cheating is possible for them after it." Nick explained.

Luce did mentioned that Jacob claimed her, not missing the part that it's in a harsh way. I felt bad for Lucy even more. I hope I can be with her right now.

I noticed Aiden gaped Nick as his eyes narrowed on him. Nick saw that and his expression was dubious.

"What?" He asked. His mouth was filled of food again.

"Those information are what you should keep for yourself." Aiden said in a deep voice.

I understand quickly what Aiden meant. He's worried that my concern is related with my relationship with him. It's understandable that he think that way since I asked out of the blue. I can sense his uneasiness with the flow of conversation.

"It's true though." Nick's answer made Aiden hissed. I instantly placed my palm on his chest.

"Its not about me. I'm talking about my friend." I assured him. He sighed, not entirely uneased. I turned to Nick again since he is the one which happened to have a slippery tongue around the table.

"Whoa. Your friend is mated with an Alpha, too?" Nick exclaimed with disbelief and amusement. I frowned at him and ignored what he said.

"My friend says she can feel her mate cheating. How can she 'feel' it?" I turned to Aiden, pointing my question to him.

I'm really curious on Lucy's words though Im lacking when it comes to this topic. Mates are the least of my interest before, but now it became the center of me. Well, my world suddenly revolve around Aiden.

Nick looked at Aiden, waiting for him to answer. Aiden though is looking at me like I'm asking something I shouldn't. As if he hates the subject.

"When a mated Alpha have sex with other girl, his mate will be in pain." Aiden finally answer but hesitation is evident in his voice.

It took me a while to absorb his words but when I did, my heart aches for Lucy. I don't know what kind of pain she is having but with all the crying that I heard, the pain must be enough to make her suffer.

My eyes saddened but I felt my anger rises within me. I already loathe Lucy's mate.

"I won't cheat on you, Ashira." It was Aiden that snapped me out of my senses. I quickly shook my head when I realized what he was thinking and what feeling I might flowed to him.

"No. Its my friend."

"Which Alpha was your friend's mate? Im not aware any wolf from the North can do that aside from Aiden." Nick said again, unmindful of his own words.

Aiden growled at Nick loud. "You're getting to my fucking nerves!" He snarled at him that made Nick's jaw dropped. I wanted to laugh from his face but I suppressed it and just stroke my hand on Aiden's back, trying to calm him. He moved his hand from my thigh to my back, grabbing to my waist tight.

"I'm... Sorry? Wait, what did I do?"

Argh. Nick. You really want a piece of Aiden's anger right now.

"You're trying to ruin Alpha Aiden's image, Beta."

We all looked to grinning Seth who's walking near the table. I noticed Ava hiding on his back. I'm not used with the cheerful Ava looking so timid concealing herself behind Seth. Though I know she's just embarrassed.

"Oh." Nick sings. He turned to Aiden who still giving him a deadly stare. "I'll stop talking now." he said and smiled sheepishly. A low trembling growl is still heard from Aiden.

"You better." said Seth. Then he grabbed a chair beside me for Ava and sat next to her. "Damn. I missed your cooking, Au!" He said to Aurea who still denied eating with us.

I saw Aiden and Nick eat so I knew that they're both a heavy eater but Seth... Damn. He's a monster. I won't be shocked if he'll finish all the food in just a few minutes. He sure looks famished.

Everyone started eating and talking at the table. Aurea left to do something at the back while Nick and Aiden kept on talking. And we'll, Seth is still eating.

I felt a hand tugged on my shirt and it was Ava's. I turned to her and smiled when I saw her cheeks blushed.

Seth's claim is marked on her neck and it's still fresh.


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