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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 16

'Someone is nervous.' I growled to my wolf as she teased me. She's been doing that for a while now. I was blocking my emotions and only she can feel me, not letting Aiden notice my uneasiness.

We're inside his black GMC Hummer EV along with Nick and Seth. Ava couldn't come with us because Seth's parents wanted to bond with her, I tried forcing her but decided to let her go.

Nick was driving while Seth is in the seat next to him. Aiden and I sat on the back, my arm encircled with him as his hand is rested on my legs.

It took me a great effort to block my feelings and arguing with my wolf, trying hard for Aiden to not take notice that I'm nervous.

We arrived at the first house and were greeted by a woman in her late twenties. There are dark circles below her swollen eyes. She must've been crying this whole time.

"Alpha." she bowed her head down, giving respect to Aiden as she saw him. Her eyes turned to me and inhaled. She bowed her head once she figured that Aiden's claim can be smelt on me. She bowed the same to Nick and Seth.

We were welcomed inside her house and I noticed a fading scent of her dead mate in it.

They didn't have a child.

"I offer my condolences, Mira." Aiden started. Mira bowed her head to him before low sobs came from her. I felt sad for her and I stood up to give her a tight hug. I can feel my tears started burning the sides of my eyes as I felt her emotions. I rubbed my hand on her back, trying to console her as her cries slowly stopped.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. My husband's death was really painful. I don't know what to do with my life now." she said between suppressed cries.

I figured that my wolf's abnormality can only be known by the opposite sex. I started easing my panic as I thought that the fighters who died are probably all male.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I whispered and she looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

"John's death will be honored for his bravery. He's a great fighter that our pack will retain. The pack will take care of you on John's behalf."

Mira repeatedly thanked us between her sniffs and sobs.

I just had my mate and I don't know what to feel when I'll lose Aiden. I understand Mira's words when she said she doesn't know what to do with her life anymore. Just thinking I'll be on her shoes also give me the same thoughts.

"Luna." Mira said to me that shocked me at first before realizing that she acknowledged me and my position in her Alpha's side. "Thank you for your comforts. I'm so grateful."

I smiled and held her hand. "I hope the best for your heart's recovery. I'll be here for you is you needed someone to talk to." I assured her and I'm true to my words. I feel like I can run to her once she needed me. Aiden's pack beginned to embrace me as soon as Aiden claimed me. Now that I'm being revealed to the pack's eyes, I feel more like a part of it. My wolf can feel the surging fire to protect this pack and that must be the influence of Aiden being the Alpha.

So this is what a Luna feels.

"An introduction party will be held for Luna Ashira on the night of Christmas. Everyone from the pack is invited to come." It was Nick who spoke. I was amazed of how formal he is now that we're out. He even called me Luna.

"I won't miss the chance of it, Luna, Alpha." She said.

We took off after a few words from Aiden and Nick.

Once inside the car, headed to the next family to attend, I can't stop thinking of how painful they must be experiencing right now for their loss.

"You did well." Aiden whispered to my ears, complimenting what I did with Mira. I didn't do that because I'm obliged to, but because that is what I think is right to do at that moment. She had no one now. Her mate died and they didn't produce a pup.

"She's alone now." I murmured.

Aiden held my head and bring it to rest on his shoulder, kissing my hair.

"She have us. The pack will be there for her."

"Yes but," I sighed as I felt another wave of sorrow strikes my chest. What I meant was she's literally alone, Mira will wake up without her mate on her side and her day will continue the same. Yes, the pack is family. But its different when it comes to mate. "What will happen to her now?"

"The pack won't abandon her. We'll take care if her needs that was once provided by her mate."

"What pack was she from?"

If she was born here at the Prime, it won't be too lonely because her family will be there for her bit if she's like me who came from other pack, then its a different story.

"She came from the Crescent Moon pack of the East."

That is so far.

"She got no family in blood here."

"In cases like Mira, they are permitted to go back to their old pack but only if she wishes to."

"What usually happens with wolf's that lost their mate?"

In Regal pack, the she-wolves who lost their mate are given a task or activity to keep them occupied. That is why our pack have female fighters as well. Male wolves in the other hand already got roles for the pack from the moment they were born. The only issue I was worried in was when it comes to the females.

"Some end up like Aurea. They'll have their own work for the pack, to give them responsibility is like giving them piece of life." I nodded. That's the same with our pack.

"Do you make them fighters too?"

"Some. If they wanted. Some chose to serve for the pack." Like Aurea, I guess.

"What about the others?"

"The others go to their old pack, to where their families are. Some had intimate relationship with wolf of the opposite sex who also lost their mates. Finding comfort with each loss."

"And the rest?"

Aiden didn't spoke immediately and move his eyes to the window, watching the trees we're passing by.

"The rest go rogue."

I paled with that information. My old pack have no cases like that. Alpha David made sure that his wolf stays with his pack.

Well, Alpha David mostly done that because he can't have more wolf to lose. Pack's believed to strength in numbers. I guess Aiden doesn't think the same or his pack was just great in numbers that he didn't mind to lose few.

"You're letting them?" I asked, curious.

He shrugged and looked back at me. "I never tolerate traitors. Once they decides to go, I let them."

"But makes sure they will never go back." Driving Nick joined our conversation, I hissed when Aiden growled at him. I quickly understood what he meant.

"You're killing them?!"

I saw Seth shifted uncomfortably into his seat as Nick also stiffened. That's when I realized that Aiden's low growl are focused on Nick.

I instantly put my palm on his chest and tried snatching his eyes away from Nick's nervous back.

"Hey, " I said softly. "I just wanna know. You don't need to be angry with Nick."

He looked at me and his eyes softened when he saw how close my face to his is. I felt the guy's loosened and found ease when Aiden shifted his mood real quick.

'Thank me later.' I said to both of them through our link. Seth chuckled lowly and Nick just sighed and continued driving.

I don't know why Aiden won't want me to know his ways as an Alpha. It's not like I'm against of killing, death or anything. If someone can be harmful, death is the easiest resolve. It's his pack though, it's his rule. I won't try and change that or hate it unless it's unreasonable.

And rogues have the blood of a traitor. That's every pack's view.

Aiden leaned his back and pulled me with him, dropping me on his hard chest.


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