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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 28

Aiden's POV


I watched Ashira as she sleeps soundly beside me. My eyes softened as I watched her resting face and smiled when she pursed her lips. Is she dreaming? Was she dreaming of me?

My mind flashed back to what we had shared. I can smell my scent all around her, a sign that we had complete the mating process and I can't help but smile as my possessive instinct flared.

She's mine.

I'm not sure if she is but I want her. I want her mine. All the searching for answers and solutions started being clear now, it's all an act of denial.

Ashira mumbled a low moan and my bare member immediately reacted to it. Shit.

I had the urge to flip her, hovering above her, and bury my shaft inside her this instant but I held myself.

Damn, I can't believe I'm having difficulty with my restraint. And not to my wolf but myself!

I've bedded a lot of girls, a lot of who's swooning over me. Yearned to pleasure me. But what I had with Ash is not just pleasure. It's something else. Something deep. Something I'm incapable of defining but I knew too well how it feels. Every bit of the foreign emotion bites my soul. Hard.

I can feel a part of my mind regretting but it's not even a quarter of how I feel right now.

I felt satisfied, filled... Happy even. I can't put words to these emotions rumbling inside my chest.

It's the mate bond. The pull is too strong and I can't stop the connection it delivers. It's beyond my power, beyond my control. All I want right now is to give in to my heat which I'm trying hard to resist.

I groaned and rolled, keeping a small distance between us. Resisting to roll back closer to my sleeping Goddess and damn it's so hard to withstand.

It's already four o'clock in the morning. I hadn't slept a bit but I feel alive, awaken and I know why. Every time Ashira and I will mate, I will feel this surge in power and strength. It's a blessing from the Moon Goddess, a power given to the She-Wolves. And the males benefit from it.

And being an Alpha means thrice the strength, tripled the power. I can feel it on my nerves, flowing and rushing.


I turned my head to the side when I heard Nick's voice. He's still awake?

Oh, yes. The Titus case.

'How was it?' I replied, not bothering to stand up. Not wanting to leave. Nick can handle it.

'We're still on the dungeon. I haven't accomplished-'

'Was it that hard to take his head off, Nick?' I smirked, giving him a teasing tone. I guess I'm in the mood. If this is another day, and considering the time, I would have snapped.

'Fucker. This is important so listen.' I was laughing when he said the word 'fucker' but instantly halted when Nick's tone turned serious. 'The bastard has information about stealers. He'd like to talk to you first and you can kill him after.'

I groaned. Information? What information can Titus give that Michael does not know yet?

'You believe him? We got Michael and we know what to do next. We don't need the chipmunk. Just kill him before he leaked my mate's case.'

'No, Aiden, listen. He's sure he has the information that you will want. It will be best if you come down here.'

I gave it a thought for a second. But should I? I dont want to leave Ashira right now.

'Aiden? You coming?'

I groaned. I wanted to come the other way though. But I stood up and grabbed my clothes, ready to leave.

I looked at my sleeping queen once again before heading to the doors. Not bothering to lock her inside.

'Yeah. In a bit.'

I closed the door slowly, carefully. As I was walking down the stairs, I saw Seth sleeping on the couch. He instantly opened his eyes when he heard my footsteps.

"I'm needed in the dungeons. Watch her for me." I said and he nodded. Waking himself from his slumber. "Her room is not locked but don't go in there. Also, make sure she's not leaving the house once she woke up."

Though I'm sure she'll not wake any moment soon. I smirked from the thought.

"Whoa," Seth exclaimed just when I reached the front door, ready to leave. I turned my head to him and frowned once I saw his hand covering his mouth. He looked fucking girly.


"You-Did you-You smell-"

I hissed and turn my back on him. "Yeah, dufus. Now shut up."

I heard nothing from him until I reached my car. He probably smelled the scent. I couldn't care more though. I know what I'm doing.

Ashira is mine and I won't deny how I feel toward her. Until she's here with me, until no proof of deceit is presented, I'll keep her as mine.

'Aiden!' I was driving when Nick popped into my mind. 'You completed the mating?! Seth told me! What the fuck man!'

I hissed and stepped on the gas, not bothering to reply Nick. He'll know it when I reached the dungeons. And why the hell are they so exaggerated about this?

This is my life. They can't interfere. But I can't stop their exaggerated emotions as well.

My tires stopped with a screech as I stepped on the brake hastily. The guards outside the pack building greeted me and bowed their head, I nod to them as I continue my way inside the building.

The pack building is a two-story building with an underground. The second floor is mostly where the offices are, the ground has a huge lounge and the Prime Hall, also a cafeteria with free foods for the employee.

The underground is where we keep the prisoners if any. I prefer killing trespassers and traitors so the dungeons are mostly empty. It's just my way of ruling, and it's not like they have much to lose anyway.

"Alpha Aiden." Nick greeted as I walked the midway of the dungeons. I prefer Nick and Seth to not call me by my title but when there are ears and eyes, they need to. Also, when I'm mad. Though the latter is what I cannot change. Being an Alpha means having complete control of my wolf yet a thin thread of patience. Hyperbole it is.

"Where is he?"

"At the last cell. I took the secret passage so no one saw us. I also instruct the guards to stay out of the dungeons."

Pft. It's not like they needed to stay inside. We got no prisoners to guard.

"Is he being tough? Why won't he tell you what he needs to say?"

"No, Alpha. Arresting him is easy and without struggles. Though he wishes to tell you in person. I can sense a death wish, as well."

I scowled. Titus is one of my devoted help but I guess losing his mate makes him crazy.

We reached his cell and I saw him sitting on a wooden chair, his hands are tied on his back with a silver chain, and his head was bowed.

He looked up when he sensed my presence just to bow his head again. "Alpha Aiden."

"Titus." I went on a chair and sat on it. He looked calm, ready. For the information he'll tell or his death? I wonder which.

I'm sitting in front of him across the room and Nick was on the other side, standing because no seat was left available.


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