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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 40

Aiden's POV

I watched my mate as she sleeps on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful, she's like an angel fallen right beside me.

Lucky me.

Soft knocks outside our bedroom door was heard. I slowly shifted my weight to ease Ashira off my shoulder, minding not to wake her up. I covered her naked wholeness with blanket and she let out a groan, her body moved a bit but she didn't stir. Before another knock transpire, I ran fast to the door, opened it and caught sight of Nick's face with his fist in the air.

"Be quiet." I ordered in a low still voice. He nodded and took a step back as I walked out of the room and gently closes the door.

I'm not sure why Nick's knocking on my door at this time of the night when he clearly know that I don't want to be disturbed. I just hope he's not here to whine about their trip tomorrow.

"What is it?" I asked after the door lock has clicked. I studied his expression and that face tells me something was not right. "What's the problem?"

I walked away from the bedroom to move this conversation somewhere else. Nick followed right behind me.

My eyes caught Seth at the living room, talking to his phone. He looked at me with knotted forehead and I knew something was up.

"Ravenous pack are asking for permission to enter the territory, Aiden." Nick said behind me. I snapped my head to him, shocked.

"They are what?!" My voice roared. Did I heard it right? Why would that weak pack be asking permission to enter my land?

"They're at the North Border. This is so sudden, the treaty will be renewed in a few days. They have no business to come here now." Nick announced.

I took a deep breath. Fucking calm yourself, wolf.

'My mate! They'll find out about my mate!' my wolf whined over and over again asking for me to hide Ashira.

The anger I have towards Elon was surpassed by the thought of Ashira and the danger she might be in if I let that bastard here.

What the fu-

Okay, I need to be calm. There is no matter to attend on my pack for them to come here unannounced.

"How many?" I asked.

Seth walked near us and it seems he just finished talking with someone on the phone. "Alpha Elon and his gamma, plus four more wolves. They just made the second call."

The second call means they already asked for permission twice. It was rude for an Alpha to let another wait but I'm always an exception.

I don't fucking want him at my land. And that should end this discussion.

Without any second thoughts, I wired the guard up North inside my head.

'Permission Denied. Tell that to that Alpha.'

'Copy, Alpha Aiden.'

"Aiden?" Nick called. "We can't wait for a third call. That's against the rules."

"They won't make a third call, Nick. I already refused the request." I growled and walked to the kitchen to grab something to drink. A terrified Nick followed me and I did my best not to mind him.

"Can you do that? That was rude, Aiden. You know its against the law. You can't-"

"I already did. I don't care about the law, Nick. They can only enter my land if they got invited. Surprise visits are out of Elon's option, he knew he shouldn't be here at the first place."

Nick sighed but didn't utter another word. I don't need it neither.

Yes, we did entered a peace treaty with Elon's pack but that was against my resolve. If it weren't for my pack and their safety, I wouldn't permit it. But again, I only advances to the peace, not to being friendly with that filthy wolf who called himself an Alpha.

For me, the birth of his title was a joke.

Seth came to the kitchen with a phone handing right at me. "Alpha Elon requests to talk." he announced.

My jaw clenches. Fucking old man.

"Elon." I said as I withdrawn my own growl. I'm irritated. Badly irritated. This guy was a living proof of every sin I could recite. And having the blood of who killed my parents in his veins aggravate the hatred I have towards him.

"Aiden, your wolf here," I heard him scoffed. ",said that my request to enter Prime land was denied, is that your order?" I could here every sarcasm in his voice but I didn't let it get through me.

I sighed and cracked my neck. "Yes. You got a problem with it?"

There was a short moment of silence on his part before he burst on laughter. "Don't get too hyped, Aiden. I was just... visiting."

I bet this devil was grinning wide.

"Surprise visits aren't my thing, Elon. Go bug other pack for it."

A loud laughter roared from the other line that went up my veins. My other hand gripped on the marble kitchen table and I almost crush the poor thing. I inhaled and hissed quietly, not letting him know he's getting under my sleeve. I'm not giving him that satisfaction.

"Fine. Fine. I only wanted to say hello." he laughed once more. "I'll get going now but I'll be back in a few days."

I hated how his voice sounded. He made it seem threatening but it only annoyed me even more.

"I'll see you then." I said and hung up. "Fucker."

I sighed and drank some water, trying to calm my nerves on the process. Thanks God, it didn't.

"Just let him be. He's like that ever since." Seth asserted.

"That guy is way insecure of you. He kept getting into your nerves because you got the title earlier than his age." Nick added.

I grunted and started walking away from these two. "Where are you going?" They asked.

"Wake me up once both of you start uttering some sense." I said and both of them laughed as I exit the kitchen.

"If we're still alive tomorrow, Alpha." Seth said, laughing.

I laughed and ignored them both. Why are they so bothered to pick up two rogues? Tss... Pussies.

I'm drifting to what my wolf wants to do right now. And that was to be right beside my Luna.

Ashira's POV

A soft tender kiss on my shoulder awoke me and I don't need to know who it was. Only one man can make my hair spiked up like this.

"Wake up, baby." he said. I smiled and slowly opened my eyes. The sun was almost up and the way the dark and light created a tangerine shade captivates me. The view tranquil my heart instantly and I knew this day would be awesome.

The arms that was wrapped on my waist had tightened, like the man behind me was saying that he was there. That I shouldn't be captured by the sunrise alone, but with him as well.

The thought made me giggle.


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