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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Stole you

Aiden’s POV

“How dare you to come near me?” Her voice is trembling but I heard the hate and anger in it with clear emphasis.

I never thought that the sparkling eyes I adored will ever look at me like this. Like I’m a monster. Like I shouldn’t even exist.

Can’t she feel our bond at all?

My mind is puzzled, its breaking apart. This situation is dreading, and the lack of solution or cure for Ashira’s case had increases the frustration I feel that leads to a building sense of lost on my part. The pain in my chest was the last thing I have on the list, or so I tried.

Because if I don’t and just let myself get drowned from every sting I felt in my soul, I won’t be able to function. At all.

“This is my pack.I make the rules.”

I know I sounded rude but I can’t find any more ways to talk to her without begging, pleading or breaking down. I feel so weak, I feel so hopeless but I should be strong or we won’t survive this.

“Power-trip, right? That’s what you use to kill my Elon. You used your power to order some rogue to kill the father of my child!”

My. I felt a loud thud inside my chest and my wolf just stumbled inside me upon hearing her words.

Instead, I let out a fake laugh that made a deep crease on her forehead. I think she’ll burst her anger anytime soon so I decided to speak before she does.

“If only your believed mate is alive, I’ll be glad to kill him again.”

I saw her eyes widened before her nose flared. “You are heartless.”

“You took my heart, I won’t wonder why.”

My eyes softened as I look at her reaction, she seem to be shocked at what she heard from me. But what more touched my soul was the way I sensed the effects I gave her.

I touched her soul. Only for a bit because her walls started to guard up again.

“I won’t cheat with my mate.” she said. I sighed from the frustration of how she was picking up the conversation.

“I know.” You will never cheat with me. “Can I sit beside you?”

“You are asking? You just shoved to my face how powerful you are in your territory. Even if I say ‘no’, you’ll still have it your way.”

“If I’m having it my way, you will be in my arms.” I sighed. “I need a talk with you.”

Silence was what she responded me with. Was she taken aback? Am I making this quick? I’m not lying though. I wanted to held her in my arms, feel her body that I miss, touch her, kiss her. Tell her how much I love her.

“You are flirting with me.” she stated and I chuckled.

I am, baby.

She moved on the edge of the bench and motioned for me to sit and that made me smile. Ashira, even though she was unaware of what I really am to her, she still have the same kind heart.

I sat on the other edge and my heart lighten up a bit.

This is enough. This feels enough. I can live with this.

“I’m not forgiving you for what you did to Elon.”

This again… I wanted to get tired from all of this but no, she is not aware of the truth. She didn’t know she was mine. She still is.

“I am not asking for forgiveness.” I sighed.

“You’re rude.”

I looked at her and when her eyes met with mine, she quickly looked away. She hates me and I can feel her anger but her actions somewhat opposed her emotions and words.

I looked at the bump on her belly and in just a short time, it grew bigger than yesterday. I can even hear my pup’s pulse inside her womb, I can feel it sensing me back.

Upon noticing the way I look at her bulging tummy, she placed her hand on top of it as if that will cover it. I chuckled.

“What do you want from me?” I heard her ask but my eyes was kept on her belly as she starts to stroke it gently.

Damn, I wanna do that too.

“Are you planning to do something bad to my child?” there is fear and disgust in her voice. The mixture of her tone made the hole in my chest grew larger, expanded with a pain I’m surprised I took in.

With clenched jaw, I looked her back in the eyes. My expression is hardened, hurt, but I’m trying my best to resist the irritation I felt from her question.

“I will never do that to my child.” I hissed after saying the words. It came out with too much anger that she may absorb. “I’m not the bad one here.”

“Your?” Her emerald eyes squinted as it looked at me with confusion and disbelief. “You called my baby yours? How dare you?!” she stood up, her eyes were angry and hateful as if I’m a monster.

I tilted my head to the side, diverting my vision away from her and my tongue pushing the inside of my cheeks to stop myself because I can feel myself bursting any moment.

“This is my child with Elon! The Alpha you just killed! The one who never did anything to you but you decided to kill him because you are powerful! Well, guess what? I don’t care if you are the strongest Alpha of the North, if strongest means you can kill anyone who didn’t do anything to be killed then I rather be with the weakest-”

“You don’t know anything, woman.”

The nerves on my forehead started to throb. I am starting to lose it and the view of my mate blabbering non-sense overpowers the sympathy I have for her for being like this.

“I know you killed my Elon just for your own-”

My head snapped back to her and looked at her eyes with narrowing eyes.

“I KILLED HIM BECAUSE HE STOLE YOU FROM ME!” I growled! My voice echoed from how loud I shouted and it made Ashira jump, startled from my sudden outburst. I’m not a person of patience, but it is not my intention to scare her that I immediately regretted my actions.

Her face still have that same hatred but its mixed with confusion. She looks at me as if I’m dumb, like I’m a fool.

Maybe, I am.

“Aiden!” Lucianna came from nowhere and stand between me and Ashira. I shook my head and looked up where the sky was dark. Funny how the stars are not visible, too. I feel like the skies are mirroring my life ironically.

My voice was heard from the basement, I wouldn’t be surprised if it reached the whole pack. Damn.

“You should tell it to her in a more gentler way. She won’t understand you that way.” Lucianna scoffed and turned to Ashira who is now frowning at her friend.

“You’re on his side? I thought you don’t like him? And tell me what exactly?”

Lucy looked at me with a pleading look, as if she was asking me to stop something I’m not aware of but upon realizing my current state I found out that my eyes are red. My wolf took over quickly just when I lose my cool.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

“I’ll tell you later but I need to talk with this guy first. I’ll get back to you later, Ash.”

Lucianna grabbed on my arm and pulled me away from where my mate stands bewildered. My wolf wanted to growl at Lucianna for taking the chance of telling her the truth but I took over already. I can’t keep losing over my wolf, that is un-Alpha thing to happen and I just become just that.

“Why did you shout at her like that!?” Her voice is low but with emphasis in every word. “You should’ve tell her in a calm way or else the both of you will just clash! She’s not the Ashira before, Aiden.”

“She’s still my Ashira. She didn’t change, her memories and beliefs are altered but she’s still my mate.”

“Well, she didn’t know that so start acting according to her state.”

I sighed. She have a point and I knew I lost it. I decided to refrain from speaking because what I did was not right.

“Now, I will talk to her. I will try to explain to her what happened-”


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