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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 6

A lady in her thirties entered Aiden's office but I can't take my eyes off his back. I was not able to speak back to what he had said. I was left dumbfounded with the words I just heard.

I'll never put my claim in you.

Those words kept echoing in my ears while I felt numerous needle stabbed on my chest. I felt like I was poisoned by a venomous snake. My body's numb, my head feels hazy and my breathe hitched as I stare at Aiden's back. My wolf is in pain as well but its me who's taking most of the blow.

I wanted to curse the bond between us. Not feeling its significance at the moment.

"My Luna," the lady greeted me with a low bow. She just acknowledged me as this packs' Luna yet my own mate think otherwise.

Is he gonna reject me? He doesn't want me?

Questions flood in my mind that I feel I'm going insane.

"Go with Aurea, she will assist you with everything you'll need. I don't want any male near you. Take that as a warning." Aiden's deep voice come out chilly again.

I'm not paying attention with his threat. My mind is focused on why he have someone to assist me or bring me to his home when in fact he can!

"I'll take you home, my Luna." Aurea said humbly, her eyes still on the ground.

I nodded at her. I don't think Aiden is open for argument right now. And I'm not near on begging anything of him.

My pride rises. My chin rose proud as my ego continuously charging, fully ignoring my wolf's pain. I'm not the type who kiss any wolf's feet. Not my mate. Not even the Alpha.

"Let's go." I said to Aurea and started to walk outside the office.

The car ride was slow, letting me replay what had happened over and over again.

Maybe he doesn't want me. First, he didn't showed up the traditional way at the ceremony. The scene he must have caused with Nick and I was because of his wolf being possessive with me. But not because he'd want a mate. Nor he want me.

And then his words that doesn't speared my wolf straight into her heart comes second but fatal. How could he bluntly tell me he doesn't want to claim me? I never done anything to him for him to be upset. We just met! And yet the thought of having me as his mate disturb him?

"We've reach your home, Luna." Aurea interrupted my thoughts.

"Please. Call me Ashira." I don't want any claim or acknowledgement of something I'm yet to be deserved of.

"I'm sorry but you're our Luna now-" she hesitated.

"I know you can't smell Aiden's claim on me." I cut her words. Bitterness touched the tip of my tongue.

"But that doesn't change the fact that you're our Alpha's mate, Luna." She even bowed lightly to me. I just sighed and let her call me Luna in the end. These wolves hugged the tradition righteously, their Alpha should be ashamed.

I hopped out of the car and saw a western build house in front of me. Painted in white, two-storey and surrounded of trees everywhere. This is Aiden's house.

There's no neighboring houses and far from the center which explained the long car ride.

"Alpha Aiden asked me to assist you. He'd given me instructions but I'll do first what you wanted to." Aurea said. We're inside the house now. She's holding my luggage that she might picked up at the guesthouse earlier.

"What's his instruction?"

"First is to show you your room, Luna."

I'll probably hear the rest of his order but I badly need to get off this dress.

"Let's do that."

She walked ahead of me to the stairs. There's five doors in the second floor that I've noticed. We turned left and stopped at the second door there.

Aurea opened the door and I was welcomed by a large circle bed in the center of the room. The theme is in brown and white. Classic. The outside of the house screamed modernization while the inside were most vintage.

I eyed the room for a bit, not taking more step inside. I turned to Aurea who immediately bowed her head.

"Oh, please. Take it easy." I whined. Her outmost respect of me felt multiple slaps that I don't deserve it. Making me remember that her Alpha indirectly rejected me.

She just smiled in response. I sighed. Realizing whatever I'll say would be worthless because she made up her mind.

"Where's Aiden's room?" I asked curiously.

"The first door we passed is, Luna."

I nodded. So we're next to each other.

"What's the rest of his instructions?"

"I'll need to take you shopping for your clothes."

The reason girls from the mapping like me came with light baggage is because we'll be under responsibility of our mates when we find ours.

That summed up the shelter, clothes and food we'll need. Most likely, our main role here is to give them a pup. To multiply the pack and produce more of their bloodline.

"I'll also cook for your everyday meal-"

"I cook my own meal." I stated. That's the least skill I have but I don't want to be treated like a princess. Now I regret not participating Ophelia's cooking lessons.

She nodded, agreeing to my words. We talked for a little more and I found that she's the servant of Aiden. She took care of his house and his food.

"Where's your mate?" I managed to ask while settling my clothes on the closet.

"He's dead." I can feel the sadness in her voice.

I can't believe she's mateless and still coping with life. Most can't. I'm just glad she's a woman because if she's not then she'll be able to smell my abnormality which is being a stealer.

"How'd you survive it?" I asked, playing with my fingers.

"Alpha Aiden made me a servant. You know the Alpha's effect on the pack. Basically, I survived the pain for the responsibility I needed to uphold."

I understand her. Though the fact that she's coping because of the Alpha's power saddened me. I bet she wanted herself dead when her mate died. What's good thing that I can see is, she found something to focus on rather than to mourn and cry everyday.

We finished our talk when I called it a day. I let her go home to where she's staying. She lived not too far away in the woods.

Once alone, I felt the surging feeling of being with Aiden. Missing him. This is normal because I got to know who my mate is but Im not used to it.

I tried waiving the thought of having him near me. There's a lump on my throat that's too hard to swallow. My body's aching for his presence!

A picture of Aiden's golden brown eyes staring at me with lust popped on my mind. I still can feel his touch on my skin. His fingers left invisible marks on my waist, making me feel the sensation of it only. I felt the heat rushed in between my thighs. Damn! I never felt this horny before!

I decided to take a shower trying to fight Aiden's effect on me.

Aiden's POV

I never intended to show myself at the ball. The least I wanted is to find my mate and get drunk from that incredible smell again. I locked myself at my office, letting Nick do my role of hosting the ball.

But when the ceremony started, I can only smell her! That sweet heavenly scent lingers on my nose that every fucking time it hits my nostrils, I'll put my hand on my nose. Trying to block her scent but eventually failed.

Male wolves attraction toward their mate is stronger. I may be able to smell her clearly but she won't know I'm around unless she'll laid her eyes on me.

My wolf keep nagging at me for my resistance. He badly want her and I hates him for being so. I don't want to have a mate! I don't want a messed-up Luna at my side!

I can feel everything that's happening below. The party was held on the ground floor. The ceremony was finished and everyone's enjoying the rest of the night.

I regret not staying on my house when my feet seem to have a mind of its own. The scent still lingers everywhere and I can't stop the mate bond's pull any longer. My eyes are closed tight as I went out of my office. I stopped on the hall where I can see the party below.

Her smell is there, everywhere. As soon as I looked down, my eyes fixed to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's wearing an olive dress that hugged her body, the slit on the dress helped me take a peak of her perfect round legs.

I growled to myself, just with her sight and my abnormal thirst for sex seemed to cease. I saw her as she talked with my Beta, Nick. My hearing enhanced on its own to overhear what they're talking about.

"Come, dance with me." Nick even offered his hand to her. I growled to myself as I heard him say that. How dare him ask my mate to dance with him!

"You're no my type." My anger subsides as my mate said that. Her face is serious and she didn't reached for my dog beta's hand. My wolf cheered, proud of her already.

She must felt devastated when no one walked forward for her. I thought I'll see her crying and in pain like the usual reaction I've seen the past years but she seemed stronger inside.

My thoughts ate me that I did not heard what Nick replied. The next thing I saw was him snatching my precious mate's hand for the dance he's been hell bent to.

I growled inwardly. Can't this dog wait for his own mate! I'm itching to jump from where I stand to where they were but I stopped myself when I saw her letting him have that dance.

What the fuck.


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