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Call of the White wolf novel Chapter 10

By the time Logan had finished working out, it was mid-afternoon and time for lunch. He sighed in satisfaction, thinking about how much more relaxed he felt now after his intense sexual reaction to the white wolf. He was in a better frame of mind now and was sure that he could handle any feelings for her. His mind strayed to her and he caught himself wondering how she was faring. He had to admit, he had been more than a little rude to her.

Pushing aside those thoughts, he rose from the bench and walked towards the door. He was an alpha, for crying out loud. It would be beneath him to feel remorse after telling off a lesser wolf.

He was walking out of the gym, whistling softly under his breath when he stopped abruptly. He could feel Casper frantically trying to mind link him again.

What happened? He asked immediately the link was opened.

Alpha, the worst has happened. Two of our wolves were found dead at the border during the afternoon patrol. You need to get here as soon as you can.

"Shit!" Logan cursed and raced away from the gym to the front door. Several wolves stared at him in bemusement as he ran outside and towards the surrounding forest, but he didn't pay any attention to them.

Casper had kept the mind link open, directing him to the site. He reached the edge of the forest and turned left towards the frozen creek. Several meters from there stood Casper, who waved immediately he sighted the alpha.

"Casper." Logan panted as he reached his beta "Where are they."

"It's a terrible sight, Alpha. I'm not sure..."

Logan glared at the other man in anger "Casper, I'm sure you did not call me all the way here for nothing. Lead me to the dead wolves now."

The beta nodded grimly and led Logan to the border, where a handful of other men were gathered. It was a few miles from where they had found the white wolf barely two days ago. Logan pushed past the men that were gathered and what he saw almost made his stomach churn.

Two wolves were lying on the ground, one black and the other a deep russet colour. They seemed to have died while morphing back into human form. Their legal and arms were human, but their torso was still furry and wolf-like.

Their eyes and mouths were open as though they had died screaming. Whatever had killed them must have been terrifying. Logan's eyes wandered down and he closed his eyes in disgust at the sight.

Their bellies had been torn open by the monster that had killed them, their innards pouring out like thick wet spaghetti. One of the wolves had a huge gash on its neck, where blood was pouring out in rivulets. The wolf seemed to have put up a good fight before finally succumbing to death.

Blood had seeped into the snow and turned it a sickening pinkish colour. Logan looked up and saw that the men including his beta were waiting on him for instructions.

"Pack up the bodies and move them to the pack house. Arrange for a funeral immediately." He said briskly, then turned and walked away without another word.

That was the fifth death recorded in two weeks, Logan thought. Nothing in this world could get more depressing than that. He could feel the pressure from his pack members on his shoulders, urging him to do something about the deaths.

By the time he got back to the pack house, news of the murders had spread. He could hear the whispers that followed him, the averted stares and harried bows as his pack members passed him. He knew they were waiting and wondering how he would handle the situation. He knew without them saying it out that they thought him too weak to protect the pack.

Logan walked back to his wing, feeling like the weight of the whole world was upon his shoulders. How was he to lead these people if they were beginning to question his authority? He sank into bed, closing his eyes as sleep overcame him.

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