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Call of the White wolf novel Chapter 9

Logan walked out of the living room with all his confidence in shambles. He would have thrown all caution to the air and fucked her there on the loveseat if he hadn't bolted from the room. Goddess, where did all his strong resolve go?

His feelings for her were stronger than he had imagined, he realized. Staring into her eyes had proven that to him. Now all he was left with was more frustrations and a painful boner.

He found his thoughts wandering dangerously to her again and groaned with frustration. She was so small, so frail and yet so stubborn. How could one person be so tiny, yet affect him like a wrecking ball? She barely reached up to his shoulders in height, and the white slip dress she'd worn had made her look more like a waif than anything else.

She had looked into his eyes with all the innocence of a virgin. Sometimes he found himself wondering if she had been taken by any man before. The sheer thought that she must have willingly given herself to any man before him made him grind his teeth in rage. He wanted her to think of no one but him. He wanted to fill her every waking thought, be around her and never let her go again.

"Fuck, what is wrong with you, Logan?" He thought to himself.

He found himself walking towards the gym where he sometimes went when the activities of the day were starting to get to him. It was either that or go back to the frozen creek in the forest.

The gym room was located on the other side of the pack house, opposite his own wing. He had made special requests for it to be built there as it overlooked the training ground, where he could work out while watching other wolves train.

On his way to the gym, he saw Kylie from afar, discussing with another female werewolf. His own wolf groaned inwardly immediately he sighted her.

Was it his fate to be tortured by two women in the space of a few minutes?

He quickly summoned up the rest of his courage and walked past quickly before she could stop him. Kylie wiggled her fingers in greeting and scowled when he ignored her wave. She stared at his retreating back, reassuring herself that she would soon be in his arms, whether he liked it or not. Her eyes glossed over his well-built body as he walked away, imagining what it must feel like to be in his strong arms and be by his side as the pack's Luna forever.

She'd heard of the Alpha's encounter with the new wolf and the energy that had been between them. She had listened in on the conversation of some of the wolves that had been present at the breakfast table. They had talked about how they'd never seen the alpha so consumed by anger because of a woman. In fact, it was common knowledge that the alpha wasn't a big fan of the female sex and wasn't in search of a mate or partner or anyone of that sort, but despite that she had been hoping that he would finally look her way. Hearing people talk about how the new wolf could be the alpha's new mate had made a ball of rage form in her throat. She'd then sworn that she would do anything to gain the alpha's attention, by hook or by crook. He would be hers and hers forever.

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