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CEO'S Dejected Wife novel Chapter 6

Luna smiled at Maureen as she snuggled her pillow while she slept. Maureen looked so cute in her sleep, it hasn't been up to ten minutes since she fell asleep.

Luna picked the bandages and placed it back into the first aid box, she just cleaned the wound on Maureen's palm.

"No please I'm sorry, please don't hurt me, please don't. That hurts a lot. Mom........"she heard Maureen say in her sleep.

"It's okay, it's okay"Luna said, patting her.

"He'll kill me! No he'll kill me"Maureen screamed jerking up, good thing her room was sound proof or else Mr Daniels would have dragged his rusty self up to her room giving her more punishments

"He'll kill me, He'll kill me" she repeated, Luna could not help but let the hot steaming tears pour from her eyes.

Luna has watched her friend be abused physical, mentally and sexually, she knows what Maureen has faced in life, she has been beaten up and harassed.

She knows her friend has been through alot and she can't help but feel bad because she has always been unable to help her friend. If it was possible for her to take some part of her friends' sorrows then she would.

She would have told the police about it but Maureen has always refused.

Luna would do anything to help her best friend come out of this world but she's unable to.

"He will not hurt you, okay , it was just a dream,"Luna said.

it's okay,it's okay it's okay, Luna's here for you.

"What exactly happened to you, what did he do to you?" Luna asked after Maureen was calmed.

"I'm getting married on Saturday"

" You're getting married and you couldn't tell me, well thank goodness I'm here." Luna said smiling.

"I didn't know about it until two days ago, ''Maureen said.

"Emily....."Luna called but was cut short by Maureen's hand.

"I'm sorry ,but that's who you are to me ,you are not Maureen you are Emily" and Maureen scoffed

"Can I tell you something?"Luna asked.

Maureen shook her head positively.

"Maureen. I always want the best for you, I want you to be happy, Maureen, you're about to have a change of life, you're getting married, I want you to forget whatever has been happening here for the past years, I want you to change. Do the things that will please you, follow your dreams.

"What dreams are you talking about?"Maureen asked.

"Oh you mean the ones that has been destroyed by that bastard"Maureen asked

"You're going to be far from that bastard, you don't have to live in fear, you can do whatever you want to do, he is going to be nothing but your past soon. I want the Emily I once knew back, the one that laughs without getting tired, the one whose smile brings joy to my world. I'm pretty sure your mom wants that for you"

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2

Chapter 6 3


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