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Charming Lady Hard to Chase After Being Dumped novel Chapter 726

Justin smiled. "No, I've never heard of it."

His words seemed to make Philip choke, and even his choice of words became less harsh. He said, "How come you don't know anything at all, young man? How exactly did you manage to expand the Hunts to their current size? The way I see it, the Smiths should have taken over as the number one family a long time ago!"

His words gave Justin the illusion that the man seemed to be mentoring him a little.

Philip continued to speak fiercely. "The Imperial League is the most mysterious business organization in the world. There are twelve members in it, and they each use a different animal as an alias. They can dominate world economy trends because they have the sharpest intuition and they are sensitive enough to discern world development trends and pick up improvements in technology. Some time ago, the Imperial League had said that the real estate market in America will undergo rapid development, so everyone went to America to take their share of the loot. Now, the Imperial League says that the real estate market will go into decline, whereas new energy and technology will usher in all-around development, so everyone is starting to invest in those."

At this point, Philip said, "Don't be mistaken and think that it's the Imperial League members who are influencing the direction of the world; rather, this is the inevitable trend of social development. The Imperial

League is just going along with the trend! But with such a group of forward-looking people in there, our twelve families will never meet with any trouble! We will always be in the leading positions in the world. The Hunts don't even know about the Imperial League, you'll be eliminated by society and become out of touch sooner or later!

"Heh, if you don't find a way to join the Imperial League, then you can wait to be utterly crushed by me!"


If it had only been an illusion earlier, then he was now sure of it—Philip was pointing him to a way out.

From beginning to end, Philip had never wanted them dead!

Justin fell silent for a moment. Suddenly, he spoke, his term of address for Philip also becoming a little more respectful.

"Uncle Philip, you actually don't hate my mother at all, do you?"

His one-liner made Philip choke.

After a while, he sneered, "How can that be? I hate her with every fiber of my being. For the sake of a mere $80,000, she abandoned me. Ha, in the face of money, our relationship is not worth anything!"

Justin, however, said, "You could've killed me when you kidnapped me back then. Wouldn't that have pained and saddened my mother even more than separating me from her? Why bother waiting to save me after twelve hours?"

Philip didn't speak.

Justin spoke again. "You were just waiting for my mother to give in and approach you for help. Were you waiting for her to apologize and bow down to you?"

Philip sneered, "Boy, you talk too much!"

Justin let out a low laugh and said no more. However, he'd already understood.

Philip really did love his mother very much.

It was true that Philip also hated his mother, but in the face of love, most of his hatred had been offset. Even though he'd punished his mother like that, he had never wanted to kill her. This showed that he had never really thought of hurting her.


Justin lowered his eyes. He couldn't help but start wondering.

When Herman realized the truth back then, if he had protected and defended his wife aggressively instead of giving her away, perhaps Philip would not have been so persistent but chosen to let go instead.

Because sometimes, the best way of showing one's love was to let go.

It must have been Herman's choice that had made him even angrier and even more disappointed, right? Iris had abandoned him for a man like that!

When Justin put himself in the other man's shoes and thought about it, he immediately understood Philip's indignation and selfish motives back then. Even though he was the one who had caused his family tragedy, in this instant, Justin instead hated Herman even more, not Philip.

He lowered his head and suddenly asked, "Uncle Philip, do you know what led to your failure back then?"

Philip was silent for a while. Then, he sneered, "Is a kid like you planning to teach me how to behave?"

Justin ignored his sarcasm and spoke earnestly. "Love can withstand trials, but it cannot stand being constantly put to the test. You and Mom were in a relationship with each other for three years in college. When you were a poor boy, she had already chosen you. Doesn't that already show that she isn't someone who detests the poor and pursues the rich? Yet you still deceived her after that, putting her to the test again and again. That could have only ended in tragedy."

There hadn't been any misunderstanding between Philip and Iris.

What there was between the two of them was just a sense of resignation.

Back then, Iris's father had forced her into marrying Herman by threatening to not pay for her mother's medical treatment. At that time, Iris had tried approaching Philip for help.

She had asked him if he had any money, and if he could pay for her mother's medical expenses for her.

A person who had been wealthy since he was a child wasn't something that others could compare to. No matter how hard he pretended to be poor, there would always be traces of his true origin.

Iris must have suspected it before, right?

Yet, Philip had taken the opportunity to put her to one last test and made her choose between her mother and


If Iris could abandon even her seriously ill mother for their relationship, then he would never ever distrust her again.


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