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Charming Lady Hard to Chase After Being Dumped novel Chapter 778

In other words, it was a loss of nearly 40 million dollars!

Mrs. Hunt felt as if her heart was being tightly squeezed. Her cell phone rang at this time. When she answered, Mr. Livingstone's voice reached her.

"Mrs. Hunt, have you seen the gold price? My friend didn't lie to me! It's the end of the line for gold futures, we've already suffered a loss of 40 million dollars! If this continues, we will really incur a loss of 50 million dollars!"

Mrs. Hunt took a deep breath and looked at Fanny.

"What is Nora doing right now?"

Fanny replied weakly, "I just called Mr. Hunt's villa. The butler said... he said... that Ms. Smith is still asleep, and that she has forbidden them from waking her up unless it's a matter of life and death."

Mrs. Hunt:

She felt like her heart condition had gotten even worse. She took a deep breath, yet she felt as if she could neither expel that breath of air nor force it back down. It was stuck in her chest, making it feel terribly stuffy and uncomfortable.

After hanging up Mr. Livingstone's phone call, Mrs. Hunt got onto her feet with Fanny's help. She said, "Come on! Let's go and wake her up!"

"To sell the gold?" Fanny asked.

"No, we're not selling it anymore." Mrs. Hunt said firmly, "We'll lose 40 million dollars if we sell it now. Even if we wait a while longer, the most we will lose is just 50 million dollars. After all, it's not like gold prices will ever fall to zero. There's no real difference between 40 million and 50 million dollars anyway, so let's not make her slap herself in the face."

Fanny held the old lady's arm and looked at her faltering appearance. "Then you're going over because...?"

"I'm going to wake her up!"

Mrs. Hunt tapped her walking stick against the floor. "Even if she's just all form and no function, she still has to behave the way she should be behaving! Which family's matriarch sleeps in every day? Besides, how can anyone even sleep for twelve hours a day?! Her health will eventually suffer if she stays in bed like that every day!"

Fanny nodded.

To be honest, she'd wanted to bring this up a long time ago—she had never seen anyone as lazy as Nora! She could sleep for more than twelve hours a day? She must be hiding in her room and secretly playing with her cell phone instead, right?!

The pair arrived at Justin's villa.

Mrs. Hunt walked up to the door and knocked.

Nora was extremely grouchy after being awakened, but when she saw that it was Mrs. Hunt, she didn't say anything.

Mrs. Hunt stood where she was and reprimand her with gusto. "Can you open your eyes? It's already nine, yet you're still asleep?! Do you know that gold prices have reached another new low?!"

Nora yawned."... Oh."

Mrs. Hunt:

She felt like she was about to suffer a heart attack!

Just how unconcerned about the matter was she?!

Mrs. Hunt took a deep breath. Only then did she speak again. "Nora, I'm really not trying to scold you, but can you stop being so lazy? I have never seen a woman as lazy as you! From now on, you will get up at eight... no, you must get up at six every morning and exercise!"



Just as she found herself somewhat puzzled, Mrs. Hunt said, "No matter what, you must make sure you stay alive for a while longer! I don't have that many years left to keep Pete company, so you'll have to keep him company for a few more years!"


She wanted to say that she would be able to live a few more years if she gave her a few more hours of sleep.

If she slept only eight hours a day, she would totally die right in front of her!

But when she saw how Mrs. Hunt's chest was heaving up and down intensely, she slowly swallowed the words back down.

She must have been pretty furious with her the day before.

The old lady sure was a pain.

Nora heaved a silent sigh and very reluctantly replied, "Okay, I suppose."


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