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Charming Lady Hard to Chase After Being Dumped novel Chapter 780

"Friend, are you kidding? Her children can already inherit the Hunts' property. What will remain of Ms. Smith if she breaks off ties with them? That bit of dividends from the Smiths?"

"Now that you've mentioned the dividends, won't the Smiths give Ms. Smith the position of successor? After all, everyone knows that the current head of the Smiths is the previous head's nephew!"

"Haha, I am a Smith Corporation employee. I can tell you very clearly that Ian Smith has already transferred the company shares to Joel Smith, so he now has 51% of the shares, which gives him absolute control over the company. The previous head only gave Ms. Smith 10 of the shares, so all your speculations are nonsense!"

"You're from the Smith Corporation? Then can you tell me if your company and the Hunt Corporation have really been in a competitive relationship all these years?"

"Of course we are! We are not only competing with them on the outside but also internally. Every project always

has two teams studying and developing it. Only competition can motivate a person's most primitive passion, but as far as I know, the Smith Corporation does not care about things like being first or second. The Smith Corporation's annual turnover is not much less than that of the Hunt Corporation!"

"Even if it's not much less, it's still less than theirs. Even if they don't care about who's first or second, they are still in second place. Who wouldn't want to get rid of their fate of being in second place forever? Besides, Mr. Hunt only has one son. Even if Ms. Smith plays a few small tricks and makes the Hunt Corporation lose 80 million dollars, all that will happen is that they'll become the second in terms of annual turnover this year. The Hunts won't be too concerned. But by doing so, the Smiths can take first place for once, so why not? It's just 80 million dollars, the Smiths probably don't even think anything of it, right?"

Some believed it while some didn't. Everyone gloated over others' misfortune while they chatted about the gossip and waited quietly for the results that would come in two days.

Nora wasn't one to bother listening to what outsiders said. Instead, she was dealing with the Hunt Corporation's affairs as well as looking for an overseas project so that she could find an excuse to go to Switzerland.

In the company, she approached Celine, a female staff member who was temporarily taking Lawrence's place in the secretarial department, and asked, "Does the

company have any projects in Switzerland?"

With her head lowered, Celine answered stiffly, "No. If you have the time to be looking at overseas projects, then why don't you settle the company's domestic affairs first? Regarding the gold futures, what exactly are you thinking?"

After Justin's accident and in Lawrence's absence, Celine had temporarily taken over the latter's position as the leader of the secretarial department.

However, she had always been supportive of Nora. Her current attitude, though... Something wasn't right.

Nora looked up to see the woman, who was usually mild and gentle, staring at her with her clear and attractive eyes. Her voice was obviously very gentle, yet the way she spoke was very stiff. She said, "Gold prices have dropped again today. Why aren't you doing any trading in the market? With the way you're behaving, don't you think you're letting down Mr. Hunt? "


She raised her brows. Suddenly, she asked, "Do you also think that I am not doing my best for the Hunt Corporation?"

Celine bit her lip. "Isn't that right? If you really were doing your best for the Hunt Corporation, then why would you fire Lawrence?"

Nora was taken aback. "What did you just say?"

Celine sneered, "I've already found out about everything that happened, so you can drop your act! Lawrence is very familiar with the company and he is also Mr. Hunt's right-hand man. You fired him because you want to bypass him and do things unfavorable to the company, right? Ms. Smith, when Mr. Hunt was still around, we could all see for ourselves just how well he'd treated you. Don't you think your actions have really let him down? Lawrence is very loyal to Mr. Hunt, how can you fire someone like him just like that?"


She countered with a question of her own. "When did I fire Lawrence?"

Celine sneered and said, "You don't have to pretend anymore, I already know all about it. You fired Lawrence the day Mr. Hunt died. His resignation letter is right there in the company's email inbox. I've already seen it!"


She went through the email inbox at once. Sure enough, she saw Lawrence's resignation letter, which was sent on the day that Justin died.

Lawrence's resignation letter was written very clearly. To sum it up roughly, he wrote that Mr. Hunt had been very kind to him, so he needed some time to get over what had happened. He also told them not to look for him. After that, he left...



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