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Charming Lady Hard to Chase After Being Dumped novel Chapter 825

Wayne's gaze fell on the test paper and he immediately said, "I have something on, so I'll have to go now."

Then, he turned and started walking to the door.

Wilson called out to him and said with a smile, "Hey Myers, what's the matter? Are you worried that your heart won't be able to handle her exam results? Don't worry, I'm really good at CPR..."

Intense sarcasm oozed from the big and tall man.

Wayne stood at the door with his back to him. Suddenly, he turned his head to the back and said, "Wilson, you are still as superficial as you were back then. A student's quality should never be judged by their exam scores— this is our school's motto, isn't it?"

Wilson's expression changed at once but he nevertheless sneered and said, "Then what are you afraid of?"

Wayne coughed and said, "What am I afraid of? I've never been afraid of anything, I'm just really busy. I have an appointment with a potential investor. That's the most important thing at the moment, isn't it?"

After saying that, he ran away.

In some academic aspects, the New York University School of Medicine students were indeed rather weak. If Lisa were an exchange student from Stanford University or Harvard University, it might not have been this bad.

But since he already knew what the outcome would be like, why stay and be humiliated?

Wayne knew all this very clearly, that was why he had run away at once.

Wilson: "..."

The counselor:

An infuriated Wilson broke into a huge rant. "That guy is still as shameless as ever! He always says certain things in a highfalutin manner to highlight how noble he is, when in fact, he is a despicable and shameless villain! Ha, so he's refusing to look at the grades? Then all the more I'm going to look at Lisa's grades! After I mark her papers, please send them to Myers' office! He should at least be aware of his student's level of mastery in the basics, right?"

After saying that, a vicious Wilson lowered his head and looked at the neat and clean test paper.

The answer to the first question was option C. On the paper, Lisa had picked option C. The answers were to be shaded on the answer sheet.

Wilson curled his lips disdainfully.

Well, the first question was really easy. It wasn't surprising that she would get it right.

If she got even the first question wrong, then she would have had no hope for the rest of the exam.

He then looked at the second question, the answer was option B. She had gotten it right again.

Well, this was normal too.

Next came the third question... the sixth... and the twentieth question! She had gotten all the multiple-choice questions right!

Wilson involuntarily straightened his back.

He quickly looked at the fill-in-the-blank questions, which all turned out to be correct again?

He turned the page and looked at it...

As this was the final exam for the semester, the questions were all very difficult. Wilson had been worried that even Oscar wouldn't be able to get them all correct, but from start to finish, Lisa had gotten all the questions right!

In particular, the optional bonus question... Its difficulty level was very high and was a topic that could only be studied at the postgraduate level.


She had gotten that right too!

As Wilson went through the paper, he swallowed and looked up at the counselor blankly.

When the counselor caught a glimpse of his expression, she immediately became nervous. "Professor Wilson, is it very bad? Did she get a D?"


Wilson smiled wryly and replied, "You really don't know your student at all."

The counselor misunderstood even further. She was so anxious that she was about to cry. "Surely it can't be an E, right?"

If someone got an E for the exam, she would also be held responsible for it.

The counselor wanted the whole class to perform well. No one was to be left behind.

The counselor hurriedly said, "Professor Wilson, this student only transferred in at the end of the semester, so it is normal for her to be unable to keep up. Can you not give her an E? Can we let her take a make-up exam after giving her some time to study?"


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