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Charming Lady Hard to Chase After Being Dumped novel Chapter 837

"That professor is so handsome."

The students below the podium were all secretly discussing Caleb.

Nora raised her brows.

Caleb was really very handsome. On top of that, the dashing aura around him was elegant and gentle. He wore glasses and always smiled gently before he spoke, which gave people a refreshing feel, like a spring breeze.

Yet at the same time, it didn't give people the feeling that he was easy to get close to. On the contrary, there was a sense of alienation and nobility.

He and Justin both came from wealthy families but the two gave people completely different feelings.

Justin felt like a fierce and ferocious war god. He was terrifying and intimidating.

Caleb, on the other hand, was like a celestial being, making people feel like he was out of one's reach.

Nora lowered her eyes, put her head on the table, and fell asleep.

She attended classes just so she wouldn't attract attention. She had chosen to be an exchange student at this time because there weren't many classes during this period.

Caleb's voice was gentle and hypnotic.

As Nora listened, she slept even more soundly.

On the podium, Caleb chuckled when he saw the girl fall asleep, and he subconsciously lowered his volume. In fact, when someone spoke, he gently reminded them, "Keep your voice down. Don't disturb your classmates who are sleeping."

The students:"..."

The class was soon over. After class, Nora stretched and stood up. This time, she didn't leave but looked at Caleb at the front instead.

Caleb wanted to come to her but was stopped by a student. "Professor Gray, I don't understand this part here..."

Nora yawned. While she was waiting for him, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"Hey, Lisa."

She turned her head and saw Oscar standing beside her with an embarrassed look on her face. She said, "I know you may not care, but I still want to apologize."

Nora knew what she meant. She didn't mind, though.

She didn't regard Oscar as a friend, so she didn't take her prejudice towards her to heart at all. She nodded and said, "It's okay."

After speaking, she picked up her bag and went out the door.

Oscar had a complicated look on her face as she looked at Lisa from the back. After hearing what the counselor had said the day before, she had gone to Professor Wilson to check her exam papers.

In the end, she found that the other girl had indeed gotten every question right.

At first, she felt that the girl had deceived her, but she immediately realized the next moment that Lisa had never said that she couldn't do the questions. In fact, she had even mentioned several times that she didn't need her help.

It was her own arrogance that had made her think that Nora's grades were bad.

Oscar stared at Lisa from the back. For some reason, she suddenly felt like the girl's image in her mind was getting bigger and bigger.

Nora didn't leave after she exited the classroom but stood at the corner and waited.

After a while, Caleb came over. The man, who was a head taller than her, asked with a smile, "Lisa?"

Nora nodded. "Yeah, Lisa."

Caleb smiled again. He said, "Long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see."

Nora replied calmly.

Caleb looked straight at her and then asked, "Are you... okay?"


Just as she was puzzled over Caleb's question, she heard Caleb speak again. "About Mr. Hunt..."

Alright, Nora had once again forgotten that Justin was "dead"!

She lowered her eyes. In order to hide her emotions, she could only say calmly, "Actually, we weren't that close." Strictly speaking, she and Justin had only known each other for three months and during those three months, they had not been together every day, either.

When she put it that way, even she herself was puzzled.

She had never had many friends her whole life, so why had she fallen in love with him in such a short period of time? On top of that, it was to the extent of complete trust.

Nora's expression at the moment seemed a little puzzled.

Her statement convinced Caleb, though.

After all, Nora had always been cold and indifferent since she was a child and had never been one to fixate on relationships. To be honest, it would be stranger if she was dramatic about it.

Seeing that she wasn't too hung up over it, a smile formed on Caleb's face and he said, "Yeah, I'm glad you're alright."

He looked at the time and suggested, "Let's have lunch together?"



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